This is in no particular order (well, alphabetical more or less) just an archive of the things I've written. For my own amusement more than anything else.
So, jumping on the anti-sugar and processed foods bandwagon for a moment here. I realize it is close to sacreligious to give up sugar in the season that brings us Cadbury egss, but I also had two moments last week
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So work. Not talking about it. Much. I think I'm burning out (which wasn't supposed to happen for another few years). Maybe it's less of a total conflagration than a campfire. I'm not recovering well on my days off. It's affecting my medicine as well as my attitude at work. And I dunno, I'm just being really down and depressed in general which
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Had an awesome (and exhausting -- on the first *real* day of summer aka fall, after three hours' sleep) time hoofing it up Mt. Tom yesterday with thistlerose.
So, I just got back from X-men: DoFP and I loved parts of it. Others left me a little hollow. I suspect this is because I enjoyed XMFC so damn much and thought so much about what happens next -- I was more interested in that than the actual plot. Anyway, more behind the cut.
First: Uggg new layout. I gave you a few days to see if I could get used to it, but it feels, I dunno, as dumbed down as Twitter (which, have I mentioned how stupid Twitter is in the last 20 minutes
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