First: Uggg new layout. I gave you a few days to see if I could get used to it, but it feels, I dunno, as dumbed down as Twitter (which, have I mentioned how stupid Twitter is in the last 20 minutes?)
Second: I was going to be all happy, things are looking up. But then I tested my newly repaired computer, and it has the exact same charging problem it did when I sent it away for the week. I can't decide whether to keep throwing good money after bad or just throw away the whole machine. Unfortunately, without a roomate to help with household bills, I can't really afford any big purchases right now.
(That said, I did get some yarn at Webs' big tent sale yesterday. In my defence, it was VERY discounted)
Third: I am also in the middle of one of those work-five-days-out-of-seven parts of my schedule which sucks. Two more weeks of this and then I have a two day week. I do like this job except for the understaffing bit. Although Doctors are only down by about 20%. Our ICU nurses are running down about 50% due to pregnancy, heart attack, vacation, car accident etc. The remaining nurses are burning out in front of us trying to carry the load and it's just not fair. They have to hire more people at the risk of being overstaffed when the pregnant and injured return. Or else they're going to be in far worse shape when the rest of the staff walk out. But I guess that's why I'm not the boss.
Enough about work.
deidre_c lightning beta-d my first Intelligence fic, so I'll post that with what is left on my poor computer's last charge. And decide what to do from there.