Who: BLU Sniper
bye_to_yer_head and YOU!
Where: Welcome t' Australia mate! And you didn't even have to get up.
Rating: PG at the most. (shockingly)
Summary: BLU may be a miserable alcoholic, but somewhere, locked away in his mind, is something far, far better. The man he used to be.
A taste of life before the bottle... )
He wasn't used to that either... but he was getting there.
It had been an annoyance then, but was something he grew to expect- miss, even, on those days where he watched out the window and wondered when she'd be in.
What else was there? "And she cooks. Knows just how I like my coffee." She paid attention to those minute details, committed them to memory.
It was a sign of just how much she cared for him, how well she knew him inside and out. Though there were still secrets between them, things they hadn't expressed or explained, tales they hadn't told one another, she trusted him and he trusted her on a level that went beyond words- it was one that could never be with anyone else, as far as RED was concerned. He wanted all of her, her flaws making her perfect in his eyes.
"Havin' someone make you coffee is one 'f life's little pleasures." BLU smiled, while he didn't quite have that anymore, he did have a coffee machine that did it automatically for him every morning. And that was good enough.
His expression fell, that smile fading almost as quickly as it had appeared. "I don't think either of those things is gonna make it worth it, though. Coffee and cookin'. Not when this ends badly."
"What's she say when ya bring it up?"
"I don't even know what happens when ya go back. If you remember this place or not." He didn't look particularly happy about the prospect of forgetting all he'd gained in Paradise entirely; however, the thought they might remember, but could no longer have their relationship and keep their jobs, settled no better with him.
He tucked the carving into his shirt pocket, doffing his hat so he could run both hands through his hair. "So ya really should make th' most of it while ya can. In case it all ends."
Of course, there was no going back sometimes- not with Pyro and himself, and not with BLU and the life he'd once had. All they could do was keep moving and adapt to the world as it moved around them. It was easier said than done, but if BLU could manage, then so could he.
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