Ice and Lies VIII. No more hiding (Fandom: Bleach - Pairing: Aizen/Hitsugaya, Theme #4)

Sep 28, 2007 04:01

Title: Ice and Lies - VIII. No more hiding
Author: aviss
Fandom: Bleach
Pairing: Aizen Sousuke/Hitsugaya Toushirou
Rating: PG-13
Words: 785
Theme: #4. Our distance and that person
Disclaimer: Kubo Tite owns them; I just use them to play.

Part I. The Beginning
Part II. Found
Part III. Meetings
Part IV. The Meddling Dragon
Part V. Perfect Blue
Part VI. The Fist Step
Part VII. Mind Games

Ice and Lies - VIII. No more hiding

"I hope you didn't think you could avoid me forever, Hitsugaya-taichou," Hitsugaya spun around fast at the sound of those words, his heart already hammering in his chest. Aizen Sousuke was standing on the previously empty space he had just crossed, looking as if he had flash-stepped his way out of the Taichou meeting that had just finished. He probably had.

"Aizen-taichou," he said, cursing inwardly. He had been trying to avoid him for two weeks now, too embarrassed by what happened the last time to be able to face him.

"Hinamori-kun is also worried about you," Aizen said, taking a step toward him, and Hitsugaya couldn't help but to take a step back to keep the distance between them. Aizen noticed and frowned, "but that is not the important matter. I think we need to talk."

Damn and blast. He didn't want to talk. He didn't even want to think about it. Hitsugaya had been trying not to think about that for two weeks.

"I'm sorry, Aizen-taichou, I have too many things to do right now to--" he lied; only to be interrupted by Aizen's raised brow, his disbelief clear in that gesture.

"No, you don't. You're still trying to find a fukutaichou, and I can also help you with that."

Hitsugaya sighed, knowing he was cornered, and nodded.

"Follow me." And Aizen disappeared from sight.

When they stopped Hitsugaya saw they were at the same spot he had demonstrated his Bankai for all the Taichou, and they were alone.

"Hitsugaya-taichou, I know that--"

"If you want an apology," Hitsugaya said quickly, cutting whatever it was he was going to say, "I apologize. I shouldn't have done that. It won't happen again." He didn't look at the other man at all, his eyes fixed on his own feet while he talked.

"How old are you, Toushirou?"

It was the use of his first name what made him look up, and he clenched his fist and forced himself to stay still when he noticed how close they were. Aizen was just a couple of feet away from him, staring intently at his face.

"Sixty-three," he said finally.

"Still a child, then," Aizen smiled and Hitsugaya felt again that powerful attraction that made him act like that the previous time. "I should be the one apologizing."

"I am not a child," he grated, annoyed.

"You are, for us," Aizen lifted a hand to stop his protest, and Hitsugaya closed his mouth. "What happened last time was my fault as much as yours."

"What do you mean?"

Aizen sighed, "I never intended for this to happen… now."

"Now?" Hitsugaya frowned, what was Aizen trying to say? It couldn't be what he was thinking.

"Yes, now. It's too soon, you're still too young." Aizen looked up, as if trying to find the words to continue; Hitsugaya waited, too confused to say anything. "Don't think is something I don't want, or have you not wondered why could I always make the time to help you when I am so busy?"

"But Hinamori--"

"Hinamori-kun is my second, and a nice girl. But we are not talking about her now."

"She loves you," Hitsugaya said, almost a whisper. This conversation was nothing like he had imagined, and he didn't know what to make of it. He had been ready to apologize and bear with the humiliation of having his feelings exposed and not returned. But this--this was completely unexpected.

"She does not," another sigh, "she admires me, it's not the same. Though I wonder if she knows the difference."

Aizen took a step closer, and Hitsugaya reacted despite himself and took another step back.

"Don't do that, Toushirou."

This time, when Aizen moved he had no time to react. Before he knew what was happening, there were hands on his shoulders, forcing him to stand still while Aizen leaned forward.

"I was going to wait, Toushirou. Wait till you were a bit older, but I can see you're really not a child."

It was nothing like the previous time; now it could be called a kiss, a proper one. It was hot and gentle and demanding, lips nudging against his, and a tongue asking for permission to enter his mouth, tasting, and licking. When it was over, Hitsugaya looked up at Aizen, dazed.

"Why?" he asked, confused.

"The same reason you did it, because I like you and I wanted to," Aizen smiled gently and closed the distance again.

Before closing his eyes and opening to the kiss, Hitsugaya saw a glint of something like triumph in his eyes, and Hyorinmaru stirred in his mind; and then everything was lost in the pleasure and tenderness of the kiss.

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