Communion (bronze_ribbons) (26 March)

Mar 26, 2006 22:56

Title: Communion
Author: bronze_ribbons
House: Ravenclaw
Date/Challenge: 26 - of the soil or of the soul
Character/Pairing: Snape/Lupin (overall story Snape/Lupin/Tonks)
Genre/Warnings (as applicable): Part 14 of Their Man (links below).
Rating: G
Words: 100

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Lupin can’t help wondering if he’d be happier had he been less prudent. He’s well aware that his innate caution has kept him alive, but that it’s also to blame for the regrets that keep him awake.

Turning away from Severus, he strokes a nearby seedling with a fingertip. In three months, its leaves will be ready to harvest. Dried, they will have the texture of half-damp, half-crumbled soil. Brewed, they will remind Lupin of this afternoon: of looking back up into Severus’s eyes. Of catching his breath at their verdict: your soul is not pure, but it is mine.
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