Not Let Him Go (bronze_ribbons) (6 March)

Mar 06, 2006 09:49

Title: Not Let Him Go
Author: bronze_ribbons
House: Ravenclaw
Date/Challenge: 6 - keeping the angels waiting
Character/Pairing: Snape/Lupin/Tonks
Genre/Warnings (as applicable): Part 6 of Their Man (links below). This one PWP.
Rating: R
Words: 100

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Severus discovered that he loved to make Lupin writhe-not with curses and not with silver, but with the too-light touches of extended sexual worship. It delighted him to see Lupin on their bed, the back of Lupin’s head grinding against Tonks’s mons as she gripped his shoulders, pinning his upper body against her legs as Snape nibbled at his belly and hips and the inside of his thighs.

It was like having captured an angel, Snape thought, and not wanting to let it go: as long as they kept Lupin’s climax out of his reach, he was unquestionably theirs.
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