Fic: Every Little Trait, However Small

Feb 20, 2009 22:41

Title: Every Little Trait, However Small
Author: Erin (erinm_4600)
Characters: Adora, the Captain and some new OCs (mention of the new!Tin Men)
Rating: PG
Summary: Some more moments in Adora's training
Warning: pre-series *Written for tinman100's Challenge 20. LONG LIVE tinman100!!
Disclaimer: The original characters belong to L. Frank Baum and their respective actors. The current characters belong to Sci-Fi, the movie folks and their respective actors. The OCs are mine. Title is from What is This Feeling?, from Wicked.

What is This Feeling? | Perfect | Every Little Trait, However Small | Special Delivery | Friday Night Dinner | Intimidation | Saturday | Shoes, Hair and Spoons... Oh My! | Frozen Reflections | Relocation | Lost Boy

Every one of the instructors had to give Adora Springer credit: she'd stuck it out.

They'd all doubted her and she proved them wrong.

Her kind of dedication was the example they wanted for all the Tin Men.

The seasoned officers observed, however, the camaraderie of the new recruits in their off-time. The men sat together at meals, laughing and sharing stories about life in the city. Adora always sat off to the side, never joining in their talks.

She wasn't a city girl; she didn't have stories.

Well, none a bunch of boys wanted to hear from a girl.

Ethan Weber and Henry Thorp were legends. They were the Tin Men all future Tin Men aimed to be.

Right or wrong, black or white... during their reign, the Tin Men were elevated to perfection. Children were told stories about the Tin Men of the Outer Zone as if they ruled the land, not the royal family.

Ethan, still active in his old age, stuck with law, acting as a regional sheriff in the Eastern Guild. Henry wasn't as limber as he used to be, and decided to spend the rest of his days reliving his glory with the "boys".

The Officers' Ball was fast-approaching and the last place Adora wanted to be stuck.

She'd gone to parties before, but they were always simple: barn raisings, the end of the harvest, weddings and just because they could.

This would be a city party, with fancy plates and little sandwiches and... dancing.

The event was uniform dress and she was a country girl.

But she wasn't attending as a guest. She would be there as a Tin Man, so uniform dress...

"Sir," Adora chased after the Captain one afternoon.

"Springer?" he asked, waving her to walk with him as he moved across the grounds after class.

"Sir, officers are to wear their dress uniforms," she said, knowing the Captain was already aware of this fact.

He stopped and turned to her, then nodded. "Adora," he told her with a caring smile. "Ladies must wear a formal gown. Even Tin Women."

"Please," she asked, hating herself for it. She demanded no special treatment, yet here she was, asking for it.

"I guarantee you'll be the best dressed of us all," he added with a chuckle. "Give your grandmother a run for her Platinums."

Adora blinked. Of course he would know her secret.

In one of the offices in one of the buildings on the grounds of the Tin Man training facility, there hung a board. On this board were a series of lines, making up rows and columns.

The first row was marked with numbers.

The first column, a list of names.

The remaining spaces had small pieces of paper stuck to the board with pins, in different colors and sizes.

To most, it was just another note board; a calendar, even.

To those whose names were listed in the rows, it was a strategy. A game.

One being taken very seriously.

"Springer, come in," the Captain called from his desk, adding a wave as he finished making a note on the report in front of him. "What can I do for you?" he asked as Adora sat.

"We're on leave the week of the Festival," Adora started. He nodded and waited for her to continue. "I would like to request to be on duty that week, Sir," she said simply.

He blinked. "No one works during the Festival, Springer. Even the criminals take leave the week of the Festival," he added with a chuckle. Adora smiled, but didn't laugh.

"Sir," she continued, noting his expression, "two weeks prior to the Festival is the harvest." It was hard to believe it had been a whole annual already. The Captain nodded. "I would like to request to take my leave then. Respectfully," she added quickly. His silence caused her to panic - she'd gone too far.

"I just-" she began, then stopped, trying to form a solid argument. "Without the harvest, there's no food for the Festival. I would much rather work through the Festival and be home for the harvest than stick my father and our neighbors with one less pair of hands."

"I believe we can arrange something. Dismissed." Adora gave him a thankful smile before catching herself, straightening and nodding.

After she left, the Captain leaned back and smiled. Perhaps the boys were due for some community service... see what life was like outside the walls of the city.


Porter laughed as Charlie caught Billy in a headlock.

As the door to the barracks opened, the laughter died and everyone jumped to their feet. "At ease," the Captain waved. Everyone relaxed slightly.

"Gentlemen, pack a bag for three days. You will be getting dirty. Assemble out front at the first sunrise."

~challenge, series: tin man!adora, .tinman100, ~drabble, fic: tin man

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