Fic: Crack for Cain 16/?

Jan 14, 2009 23:49

Title: Crack for Cain (Part 16)
Author: Erin (erinm_4600) and Swirl (little_swirl)
Characters, Pairing: the ladies, Cain, Jeb and Stephen (mention of DG, Dave and Lady Ron)
Rating: PG
Summary: The tattoo fallout continues... and someone's gonna get hurt My money's on Dave
Warning: transgenic_girl worked herself into a corner... that's what happens when you don't plan out the crack...
Disclaimer: The original characters belong to L. Frank Baum and their respective actors. The current characters belong to Sci-Fi, the movie folks and their respective actors. The original story belongs to transgenic_girl and I think Dave belongs to purplerhino...

Part One . Part Two . Part Three . Part Four . Part Five (I think) . Part Six (I think) . Part Seven (maybe) . Part Eight (possibly) . Part Eight-and-a-Half/Nine . Part 10ish . Part Eleven . Part Twelve . Part Thirteen . Part Fourteen . Part Fifteen . Part Sixteen

with much love to purplerhino...
"-have you had a stroke recently?" Stephen asked, his brow furrowing slightly as he pressed a thumb to Lady Legendary's shoulder blade. It was rather cold in the infirmary and she was sitting there in her undershirt, being poked and prodded.

"Not that I recall," she responded, trying not to roll her eyes.

"And this has been bothering you for how long?" he asked, letting his eyes move back to hers. She half-shrugged and winced slightly as he lifted her arm to a 90-degree angle and held it.

"Bothering me like it hurts or bothering me like when did I last do a push up?" Legendary asked with a huff. Stephen smirked ever-so-slightly and she reached forward with her right hand to pinch his side, causing him to jump sideways and laugh.

"Well," he started, bringing her arm back down. "There's good news and bad news."

"You have to cut it off," Legendary responded with a stoic nod. Stephen smiled and leaned forward, planting his hands on the exam table, one on either side of her.

"You'll live," he said with a slight nod.

"But?" she asked, knowing it was there. Stephen pushed back off the table and shook his head.

"I have no idea. I have a theory, but it's not a condition that affects people under forty annuals." Legendary's chin dropped to her chest and she groaned, which made Steven smile again. He stepped back and ran his hands up and down her bare shoulders, trying to warm her up. "Did you ever see a doctor on the Other Side?"

Legendary shook her head and reached for the blouse part of her dress. "I don't do doctors if I can help it-" she replied before she could stop herself and looked at her lap. She didn't want to see the smirk on his face. Stephen watched as she got one arm through a sleeve then helped her to get the other arm through the second.

"Well, as a medical professional, I suggest some physical therapy... see if that helps loosen the muscle. It's not a perfect diagnosis," he quickly added, seeing the look on her face. "But it's the best I can do." Legendary's fingers caught his and, for a moment-

The Transformers sound-effect announcing a new message echoed out from the pocket of Legendary's shirt-jacket and she groaned. Stephen gave her hand a squeeze before stepping away to grab Legendary's chart as she reached for the cell-phone.

"WHAT?" she screeched, causing Stephen to look up. He wanted to laugh at the look on her face; she was imitating a fish, trying to find the words to respond to whatever she was reading, but obviously having no luck. Shaking her head, Legendary fired off a quick message to Lady Swirl:

Where are you?

Flipping the phone shut, Legendary slid off the table and shook her head again, muttering something under her breath. She glanced up and Stephen gave her a wave toward the door, almost wishing he could be there to see this one.


As Legendary moved down the hallway to Swirl's location, the content of her conversation with Stephen replayed in her mind and she realized just how suggestive it had been, no matter how innocent. Slapping a palm to her forehead, Legendary shook her head again and hurried down the hall.


"Do you have any idea what she’s talking about?” Legendary asked Swirl as they hurried down the hall together.

"Not a damn clue,” Swirl said, shaking her head. “Were you with her last night?” Legendary shook her head as they turned the corner.

"Last time I saw her was the devil-round of Pictionary. You and Deeg left after the first bottle and I peaced about five minutes after that. She was with Ron and-" Legendary continued. A second later, both of them stopped and stared at each other.

"They-" Swirl started, shaking her head.

"-would," Legendary nodded and both girls started running toward the kitchen.

The previous night, the library was host to a mini-girls' night.

Well, girls and Dave.

When Ron and Dave started playing Dirty Pictionary, the game kinda died. Then Dave asked Swirl to recreate one of her drawings on his bicep. Then Trans suggested they all design a tattoo for each other and Swirl and DG could 'affix' everyone. Then Ron found the alcohol and Dave asked DG to make his tattoo sparkle.

Somehow, the sketches got to sea life and, upon the creation of a sea turtle, a slight gigglefit at the image of Wyatt Cain stranded on a desert island, roping sea turtles brought the evening to a new low. DG suggested that the sparrow tattoo would be very Cain and everyone agreed.

None of them had the stomach to picture him in Johnny Depp's gear, so it was decided that Cain!Jack Sparrow would still be pale, blonde and wearing the grey duster.

For the next hour, the conversation became "Wyatt Cain versus."


Swirl and Legendary arrived at the kitchen to see Trans holding a wooden spoon up and standing opposite Cain, the large island counter between them. "What did you do?" the two of them asked together, causing everyone to turn to the door.

Trans threw a look of relief their way, which quickly became one of pleading when she realized they weren’t there to save her. Legendary pushed next to Cain and leaned over the counter with a finger pointed in Trans' direction.

"Tell me," she started, turning to Cain and giving him an apologetic nod for shoving him aside. "-please tell me you didn't do what I think you did," Legendary begged, already knowing the answer because she could see it in Trans' eyes.

"They'll come off!" Trans shouted, adding an "eventually," under her breath. Legendary closed her eyes for a moment and then stood up straight. Even Cain jumped when her hand came up and made contact with the back of her own head.

"Please tell me you didn't go with the sparkle," Swirl begged, reaching for Trans. Jeb's eyes shot to his father and he actually had to laugh at the sight of Cain and Legendary, both turning different shades of red.

"It was DG's idea!" Trans shouted, pointing toward the door.

Cain's eyes went wide and Swirl threw up a finger. "It wasn-!"

Cain threw up a hand, making everyone jump. "Are you expecting me to believe that DG even suggested that you stick that... stuff on me?"

"No," Legendary said through gritted teeth. "It was Dave."

Cain's jaw locked and he turned around, leaving the room with three girls and Jeb Cain hot on his trail. Legendary pulled her phone from her pocket and dialed DG as Swirl started a text message to Lady Ron.

"You better get down here," Legendary said simply.

Tell Dave to RUN

little_swirl, feel free to add the Dean Chronicles whenever you have time ;) *hugs*

~challenge, fic: tin man

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