Crack For Cain 4/?

Jan 24, 2008 20:04

Title: Crack For Cain

Character/Pairings: Cain/DG

Summary: Crack!Fic, it could be really horrible. I'd have no idea. I need sleep.

Rating: PG?

Warnings/Spoilers: Spoilers for entire mini-series

Disclaimer: I own nothing in the Tin Man 'verse. Nothing and no one. Because (at the moment) I'm playing only with the Sci-Fi original characters.


Wyatt Cain, former Tin Man and current Head of Royal Security, hated paperwork. Partly because of the sheer utter boredom it entailed, not to mention the headache of trying to explain why exactly three ducks, a large cake, several capes and one guard's mustache went missing the week before. But mostly, he hated the paperwork because it meant several hours he had to leave DG and the insane women under someone else's watch.

Last time he'd found the guard three hours later, locked in a linen closet. And oddly enough, missing his pants. Which were later found flying from one of the many flagpoles. And after Cain had decided to post several guards at the same time, to avoid another incident, he walked in to find the four women 'accidentally' dropping things. Repeatedly, and then after craning their heads to get an eyeful the three 'Ladies' would hold up cards bearing numbers.

He sighed, running a hand over his face as he double-checked that all the T's were crossed and all the I's were dotted. Glitch had given him a lecture the last time, when in an Ambrose kind of mood. He slid the large stack into a manila envelope and sealed it with the Royal Security brand. And set off to find his likely errant charge and her sidekicks.

Just a few feet from his door he was met by the sight of the younger two Ladies running toward him, out of breath. He froze at the panicked expression on their faces.

"Mr. Cain!" They shouted in unison, relief seemingly coming over them.

"She's not breathing!" The one on the right burst out, the one whose hair color changed weekly.

"We were just...and she..." The other cried, flailing her arms around so violently that one of her knitting needles flew from her hair and she nearly smacked her companion upside the head.

Barely able to speak past the sudden blockage in his throat, he stopped her. "Where?" When she pointed towards the Princess's bedroom, he took off in a sprint, heart firmly lodged in his throat. It seemed like it took ages before he was standing before the open door to DG's chamber.

Ignoring the third Lady, who was anxiously wringing her hands, he immediately spotted DG lying unmoving on her bed.

He moved faster than he ever knew he could, over to the side of the bed. Cain got to his knees, placing a hand on her cheek and leaning down. He was just about to adjust her head to begin CPR...

DG's eyes snapped open, taking a deep breath of air. She opened her mouth to speak, her expression slightly confused. But he didn't let her utter a sound, diving downward, taking her mouth in a hard, passionate kiss.

When he finally pulled away, panting for breath, he was at a loss as what to say.

"Th-they bet me I couldn't hold my breath for three minutes." DG finally stuttered out in explanation.

They both looked over at the room's doorway. Only to find the door's suspiciously shut, the Ladies nowhere in sight.

genre: comedy, author: transgenic_girl, pairing: cain/dg

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