Crack For Cain 3/?

Jan 04, 2008 15:18

Character/Pairings: Cain/DG

Rating: PG?

Warnings/Spoilers: Spoilers for entire mini-series

Summary: Crack!Fic, it could be really horrible. I'd have no idea. I need sleep.

Disclaimer: I own nothing in the Tin Man 'verse. Nothing and no one. Because (at the moment) I'm playing only with the Sci-Fi original characters.

By: transgenic_girl

Cain resolved to check to see if DG’s perfume had been replaced by bottles of Vapor. Because there was no way she and her trio of Ladies were completely sober. At least that was his opinion as he watched in a mixture of dismay and morbid fascination at their current activities.

Each of the four was wearing pants and a jacket. And not even the simple black pants and jacket that DG had appeared in the O.Z. wearing. No, these were various shades of blue, grey, black and red. The princess herself was wearing the light blue outfit, while the other three wore similar designs in the other colors.

And they were shooting tiny spheres of magic at each other while running around the ballroom. Many different obstacles had been moved into the massive room, making it look like one of the forests to the West. Fake trees, hanging vines and even mechanical creatures (Cain suspected Glitch/Ambrose was involved) decorated the once empty place.

He’d known that DG’s ladies in waiting would have some magic, after all they were her cousins (if not a little distant). But he’d expected them to use it like Azkadelia’s Ladies did, to summon objects across the room to better help them in their duties, or to do their make-up and hair for fancy events. And that would be the extent of their magic use. Unfortunately (he thought) they tended to use it for the oddest of reasons and at the drop of a hat.

One of the spheres hit him on the knee, as he sat where he’d been ordered. He’d be told he was the judge of their ‘magical laser tag.’ He looked down at the odd pants he’d been ordered to wear (quite similar to those worn by the women, only black) and found that the magic had left a fluorescent yellow mark on the (tight) fabric. With a groan he tried to scrub it off with his thumb, but it didn’t move. In fact several black markings appeared in the yellow, becoming dots and a line.

He was startled to see one of the dots blink at him as the markings became a smiley face. The resulting groan was met by snickers from the faux forest below.

rating: pg, author: transgenic_girl, pairing: cain/dg

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