Fic: Follow You Home - California Queen (16/20)

Jun 26, 2008 09:35

Title: Follow You Home - California Queen (16/20)
Author: Erin (erinm_4600)
Characters, Pairing: Cain and DG, but if you saw 'em in the miniseries, they're here or mentioned. Plus some OCs
Rating: PG
Summary: DG left the Zone. Cain followed.
Warning: post-series. Blame n_e_star, for she fed Steve. ;)
Disclaimer: The original characters belong to L. Frank Baum and their respective actors. The current characters belong to Sci-Fi, the movie folks and their respective actors. The rest of 'em are mine. Title comes from song of same name by Nickelback.

Prologue One . Prologue Two
California Queen: Part One . Part Two . Part Three . Part Four . Part Five . Part Six . Part Seven . Part Eight . Part Nine . Part Ten . Part Eleven . Part Twelve . Part Thirteen . Part Fourteen . Part Fifteen . Part Sixteen . Part Seventeen . Part Eighteen . Part Nineteen . Part Twenty
California Tin | California Sun
Five | Waking Up (CaliSun 20.2) | Almost Like Being in Love (CaliSun 24.5) | An Hour and 45 Minutes | Hava Nagila | Unexpected

Cain made it about an hour before setting down the book. He looked at the trunk and let out a deep breath before pushing himself up from the couch and moving around to the trunk. Kneeling down, he poked at the items on top, seeing the cube DG had held up the night before, as well as the shirt and the books. He picked up the stack of envelopes and flipped through them, seeing one for everyone but him.

Not that he cared.

He saw a stack of papers tucked against the side of the box and reached for them, seeing a card with DG's name on it, numbers on the back and a note that stated: 'Mom and Popsicle will know what to do with this'; a map similar to the one she'd given him at the museum; and a plain white page, folded in half. He opened it up and saw what looked like a copy of an image from a newspaper. It was an article about a couple who had been found in their home, victims of a gas leak - whatever that was, he didn't know.

They are survived by their son, who is traveling the world.

Cain frowned as his gaze moved to the note added to the bottom of the page, in DG's handwriting, realizing that the couple were Ahamo's parents.

Went to the cemetery. Brought flowers, introduced myself. Told them about Az and that you were well.

Cain refolded the page and placed it back with the others in the stack, shifting some of items so that he could close the lid. He stood up, rested his hands on his hips and glanced around the room for a moment before turning to the counter and the twenty. Maybe some fresh air would help clear his head.

Cain ended up spending a good five minutes at the door, intrigued by the lock and key of the door, before finally remembering why he was going outside. He made it down the stairs and stepped out onto the sidewalk. Looking both ways, he noticed the bakery that DG had mentioned. He checked the road again before stepping off the curb and crossing the street.

As he moved into the shop, Cain smiled at the similarities to the pastry shops of the Zone, even though this one was much brighter; not to mention, crowded with items. "Mornin' to ya, young man," he heard from somewhere in front of him. He had to laugh at being referred to as 'young' for the second time in a week and finally spotted the owner of the voice: a short, older woman. He nodded to her and stepped toward the counter.

"Good morning." She gave him a once-over and looked back down to the notepad in front of her. "Missus Lowry?" She glanced up again and smiled.

"Anything in particular I can help you find?" she asked, marking something off the list. Cain sighed and glanced around the shop.

"No, ma'am. Just need to get outside; some fresh air," he said with a nod to the door. "And the turkey sandwich was recommended." She smiled up to him and pulled her glasses from her nose.

"'s a bit early for lunch," she half-stated, half-asked. Cain nodded and leaned forward slightly, as if to share a secret with her.

"I have to admit," he said with a tight smile. "I'm a bit out of my... zone... here." Missus Lowry nodded and leaned forward herself, her arms resting on the countertop.

"You an eastern boy?" Cain opened his mouth to respond, but blinked when he realized what she'd said. Puffing his cheeks, he could only nod and smile.

"Those time zones can be a pesky thing for the tourists," she said as she pushed up from the counter and moved around to stand next to Cain. "Don't take this the wrong way but... you look like Hell." Cain laughed and tried to not smile at the woman. "Coffee?" she asked, motioning to the counter on the opposite wall.

"Please," he answered as she moved behind the counter and pulled a cup from the stack.

"So," she began, glancing up at him as she poured the dark liquid into the cup. "What brings you to our little corner of California?" Cain took a deep breath and glanced to the window.

"Just checking in on a friend," he said with a nod as she passed the cup over.

"Did you get to do any sightseeing?" she asked, pouring a second cup of coffee for herself. Cain nodded as he swallowed a mouthful of coffee.

"Mm, the Pacific... the Gap and the Huntington," he listed. He took another sip and then asked: "Do you know where I might find a map?"

"A map? Of any place in particular?" Missus Lowry asked, moving back around the corner and directing him to follow her back to the other counter.

"There's a park... that... way?" Cain said, motioning in the direction he was fairly certain the park he'd come to after his trek down the mountain was. She nodded to him and pulled out a street map that looked like it had seen better days.

"Do you know which park it is?" she asked as she unfolded the map. Cain shook his head and closed his eyes as he retraced his steps.

"I went straight south and turned," he said, shifting to his right. "-and was at the Huntington." Missus Lowry smiled and looked back to the map. Placing a finger on the page, she used her other finger to trace a path east, then followed the lines north.

"Eaton Canyon?" she asked, straightening to let Cain look at the map. He followed the lines from the place she suggested and nodded, fairly certain it was the right place.

"How long would it take to get there?" he asked, giving her a look. She sighed and looked back at the map.

"From here?" She nodded a few times and looked back to him. "Half hour?" she guessed with a shrug. Cain's brow furrowed. It took him nearly an hour to get from the park to the Huntington, and it took nearly an hour to get to the Huntington. Noticing his reaction, she added: "Of course, that's assuming you hit all the green lights and-" She squinted slightly at the look on his face and shook her head.

"And you don't have a car..." Cain frowned and shook his head. "Well," she sighed. "By bus, I'd give it two hours. Of course, you could always take the train up to the last station, but you'd still have to get up the road," she stated with a nod toward the tracks outside.

"And walking?" he asked, knowing that he wasn't going to like her answer. Missus Lowry laughed and tilted her head when she realized he wasn’t kidding.

"Oh, honey... No..." she trailed, shaking her head.

series: caliqueen (fyh), fic: tin man, series: follow you home

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