Fic: Follow You Home - California Queen (6/20)

Jun 21, 2008 07:14

Title: Follow You Home - California Queen (6/20)
Author: Erin (erinm_4600)
Characters, Pairing: Cain and DG, but if you saw 'em in the miniseries, they're here or mentioned. Plus some OCs
Rating: PG
Summary: DG left the Zone. Cain followed.
Warning: post-series. Blame n_e_star, for she fed Steve. ;)
Disclaimer: The original characters belong to L. Frank Baum and their respective actors. The current characters belong to Sci-Fi, the movie folks and their respective actors. The rest of 'em are mine. Title comes from song of same name by Nickelback.

Prologue One . Prologue Two
California Queen: Part One . Part Two . Part Three . Part Four . Part Five . Part Six . Part Seven . Part Eight . Part Nine . Part Ten . Part Eleven . Part Twelve . Part Thirteen . Part Fourteen . Part Fifteen . Part Sixteen . Part Seventeen . Part Eighteen . Part Nineteen . Part Twenty
California Tin | California Sun
Five | Waking Up (CaliSun 20.2) | Almost Like Being in Love (CaliSun 24.5) | An Hour and 45 Minutes | Hava Nagila | Unexpected

DG moved into the living room and stopped next to the couch. Looking down at the sleeping form of Wyatt Cain, she raised an eyebrow and leaned over so that her nose was mere inches from his and smirked.

"Faker." Cain's eyes opened and she straightened, moving to the end of the couch as he sat up and pushed the blanket away. "How long?"

"For what?" DG leaned against the arm of the couch and glared at him.

"How long until the Tin Man's rescue party arrives?"

Cain's jaw locked slightly and he sighed. "Glitch will send your-" he glanced up to DG then back down to his hands. "Hank and Emily, after five days."

"And yesterday was one?" she asked, staring at the wall. Cain nodded. "Okay," she said, clapping her hands on her knees. "Come on," she nodded for him to stand.

"Where are we going?" Cain asked as he stood apprehensively. DG gave him an honest smile and he noticed that, even in the dark apartment, her eyes sparkled.

"There's something I want you to see."

Five minutes later, Princess and Tin Man stepped out onto the street. The sun was still on the rise, so the street lights were still on as DG led Cain across the street. Some other early-morning commuters were already gathered on the platform, waiting for the train into downtown. One of the gentlemen gave them both a nod and started to rise, offering DG his spot on the bench. She shook her head and smiled to him before taking a chance to watch Cain look toward the mountains.

"Is that-" she asked, nodding to the north with a look. Cain breathed and looked down to her.

"I never saw so many lights," he said quietly. DG smiled and gave him a quick nudge with her shoulder as she leaned forward to see the lights of the metro rail coming into view. Cain wasn't surprised to see the train pull up in front of them, but he was intrigued by the lack of steam engine. DG caught his attention by waving a piece of paper in his face.

"Stick to your ticket, Harry." Cain's eyes narrowed and DG sighed. Reaching for his hand, she placed the folded page in his palm and added: "Don't lose this or you'll be stuck." She gave him an 'Understand?' look and he nodded, reaching to put it in the inner pocket of his duster before remembering he wasn’t wearing it. DG couldn't help but smile at his frustration.

Taking a moment to glance at his outfit, she nodded. "Not bad... for, y'know," she trailed off as the door of the train opened. Looping her arm around his, DG pulled Cain into the car behind the gentleman who'd been sitting. Cain noticed the interior of the train looked much like the contraption they'd been in the day before, but seemed a bit more open.

DG's gaze moved to the wall of the train and her mind wandered, stopping at the realization that - for the third time in twelve hours - she'd just put Cain into a metal box. Her eyes shot to Cain, but she realized that if he'd noticed it, he wasn't showing it. She cursed herself anyway and turned as the train pulled away from the station.

Twenty minutes later, DG caught Cain's arm and pulled him up from the seat. She felt bad for not talking to him, but could see he was trying to take it all in. He glanced down to her when her arm tightened around his. "I don't want to lose you," she said with a nod to the platform as the doors closed behind them. Cain followed her direction and saw a mass of people moving down a ramp; as well as some running up the ramp to catch the train just leaving from the other track.

DG tugged again and pulled Cain into the fray. As they got into the main lobby of the station, DG spotted a snack cart. "You hungry?" she asked, pulling him along.

"Uh..." Cain shifted to one side as a group moved toward them and one person shoved between him and DG. He shot daggers to the young girl who was talking to her hand and shook his head as DG rolled her eyes.

"Ignore it. People are stupid," she mumbled, looking over the selection of snacks. Looking to Cain, she pointed to the baked goods in the case. "Anything tickle your fancy?" Cain blinked and breathed out through his nose, which made DG smile. Looking over the choices, Cain could only see breads. He'd never even seen half the words on the board behind the attendant. He gave DG a look and she smiled, causing him to believe she was enjoying this.

"Do you want coffee? Tea? Milk? A muffin? A banana?" she asked, holding up a piece of fruit.

"Coffee," Cain said simply. DG nodded, put the banana down and smiled to the girl behind the counter.

"Two regular coffees, please." The girl prepared two cups as DG pulled out some cash and looked at Cain. "You need cream or sugar?" He shook his head and DG passed him one of the cups. He pondered the plastic lid for a moment and watched DG out of the corner of his eye. She took a sip, flinched slightly and leaned toward Cain. "It's hot," she warned him as he moved to take a sip.

Catching his arm again, DG pointed ahead of them with her cup. They still had a few minutes before the next train, but she wanted to be on the platform when the train arrived. Cain noticed more people talking into their hands, as well as many with wires in their ears and most oblivious to everything going on around them.

They'd be the victim of a pickpocket in the Sin District Square were they in the Zone.

A few more people pushed past Cain as if he was in their way and he made a face, which caused DG to take her coffee down the wrong pipe. She smacked her chest once and shook her head as Cain jumped to react. "I'm good," she said, clearing her throat. "That’s us," she said, pointing above them to a now-blinking sign.

As they passed a trash can, DG tossed her coffee cup in and looked up to Cain. "It was empty," she explained as they herded into the train with the people heading to work. DG pointed to two open seats and offered Cain the window; she'd seen it all before. As the doors closed and DG sat down, her brain clicked again. As the train began to pull away, the lights flickered slightly and DG grabbed Cain's hand.

All she could think about was the fact that she'd - again - stupidly forced him into a dark, iron box. Well, maybe not iron, so much as steel. Cain didn't notice at first; he was more surprised that she was holding his hand. The lights flickered again and he heard a loud clunk, which made him flinch and he realized why she'd grabbed him.

"I didn't think about it," she said quietly, looking straight ahead. Cain swallowed, squeezed her hand and they looked at each other for a second. Cain gave her a smile and gave his cup a little shake.

"'s not bad," he breathed. A minute later, the train pulled to a stop and Cain looked out the window to the new platform. DG let go of Cain's hand and shifted in her seat.

"We switch at the next one." Cain nodded and watched as a heavily-pierced man entered the train and took a seat near them. Glancing at DG, he could see she either didn't notice the man, or didn't care. He blinked and looked back out the window for a moment then turned back to DG.

"Why is everyone talking to their hand?" DG looked through the window and smiled.

Okay gang - early, I know... but I've got Can't Stop the Serenity in Tampa today, so I'll be afk

*yeah, hold on to something... I don't know how I'm gonna survive either!*
Oh... wait! I'll have Wash ;) And some Team Special Hell swoonin' ;)

I was trying to write a quick little filler for the last chapter last night (to up the word count for the part) and ended up getting an entire chapter...


series: caliqueen (fyh), fic: tin man, series: follow you home

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