I am back home, albeit reluctantly. My sister and I have separation issues; we've lived all of an hour apart for the past two years, and we still don't think it's close enough. Of course, we are also hindered in that I am the only one with a car - which was my ostensible reason for going up there, anyway.
So Comic-Con is incrementally releasing their programming schedule. I'd pretty much decided just to go on Saturday - if I do get the job I interviewed for on Monday, I won't be able to take Friday off (since I'll be taking more time for Lumos the following week), and if I don't get the job, I'm going to feel even more impoverished than I already
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Stargate promo pics are out! I was flaily enough already over the Atlantis ones, but that level of flail pales in comparison to my reaction to the SG-1 photos. Lookitlookitlookit!
(I apologize in advance for my lack of photography skills. In my defense, the lighting for such things sucks in those rooms. The pics look better small, hence the petridish frame links. There are spoilers for the upcoming seasons of the shows behind the cuts, but not huge ones
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Plans have been made in various places and with various people, but I'd like to get a concrete assessment of who (in SoCal) is going to be where and when. Hence, pollage. Following pollage, suggestions for meetage. ETA: No, seriously. You don't actually have to take the poll if you're not in SoCal. :-P
You know, I'm not one for believing in curses and such outside of fiction, but the Dodgers are testing that. We get the crap kicked out of us and yet another starter - one of our more consistently good ones - goes on the DL. *cries
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So yeah, they're trying to kill me...a few highlights:
Friday: Battlestar Galactica panel (*cries*). Also, GoF preview. Saturday: LOST. Both Stargates. And FYI, Serenity. Sunday: The Lion, the Witch, and the Wardrobe. Also, Doom. (Shut up.)
Phew. That was insane, but fun. This is the detailed description and picture post, of course, and you know how verbose I can be, so if you just want the pics, go hereI could barely sleep last night because I was so excited. I kept waking up too early. The roommates still had to get their tickets, so we left at seven-thirty and were lucky enough
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Am at con. Do not think I am supposed to be using the iBooks the sci-fi channel so helpfully set up for anything other than their site, but am not alone in doing so. Will be brief so as not to be booted
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