You know, I'm not one for believing in curses and such outside of fiction, but the Dodgers are testing that. We get the crap kicked out of us and yet another starter - one of our more consistently good ones - goes on the DL. *cries*
My sister and I had a nice, lazy morning, followed by lunch with our cousin at BJ's, an unexpected but welcome surprise. I didn't end up taking her shopping, because we forgot, but it wasn't that necessary anyway. I had a relatively painless drive home, and then I mostly bummed around.
Having realized that yes, it is now July, I thought I should maybe do some HP rereading, but I was feeling a bit sleepy, so I started listening to the OotP audiobooks instead. Note to self: you cannot pay attention to that and read something else at the same time. No, you can't. Stop trying. I might keep up with that, but I'm also rereading CoS, since that's a bit easier to transport than OotP, and it's supposed to be related to HBP. I should be able to get through them both before that time, by whatever method. I don't actually have paper copies of any others. *shrugs*
As far as Comic-Con goes, I think I'll take the train down with
bekkio for the Saturday programming only. This does not mean I will stop whining about missing BSG on Friday, but at least I'll get something. There's a host of interesting autograph guests in addition to the formal programming; I may just wander and look at them during the gaps, since the lines are always long and I never know what to say (nor do I have stuff I want signed). Alternatively, I may find a corner and either read or sleep. :)) It will be a fun weekend, indeed.
I'm very happy about the day off tomorrow. Don't know what I'll do besides mooch around, though. Possibly the beach, with the million other people who are sure to be there. Hope you're all having a good weekend and, if you're in the US, that you enjoy your holiday!