Like the red sea you split me open

Apr 25, 2010 13:32

So stressed out, it's ridiculous. Okay, most reasonable people would realize that if a person isn't picking up their phone, they just don't want to talk to you. No, not my mother. Probably called twenty times in the last three days. For fuck's sake, woman, just leave me alone for a while.

So, a day might start off okay, but it goes to shit when I get four calls in the span of an hour shortly after waking.Whatever, I'll just let it ring. Don't want to talk to her right now. Just want to be alone for a few days. I'd turn off the phone, but that'd be a great way to guarantee she'd show up on my doorstep in a couple days. Fuckin' crazy woman.

Well, one upside of this is that I'm getting outside the house more. I never take my cell with me; I just leave it home. So I step out to get away from the ringing. I consider myself functioning around at least 50% if I can manage to get out of bed, get showered 'n dressed, and leave the house for more than an hour, preferably before noon. So... in a way, this is helping me.

When I stepped outside today I realized that there was snow on the ground. It's nearly May. Well, fuck. What the hell are you doing, Saskatoon?

fml, family, angst

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