I can't dial the phone just now even though I know your number

Apr 26, 2010 23:47

Been thinking about this for the last few days. I guess what it comes down to now is that yeah, I have to admit it. It isn't going to happen.

So, Minni and I had this plan that I'd visit her this summer. Awesome! Great! It'd be amazing. Well yeah, but the fact of the matter is, I've taken a good look at my situation right now and... man, I just can't swing it. I am anything but financially stable right now and it's starting to look more and more like I'll need to take the money I saved up to see her, 'n use it for rent instead.

Not going to lie, I am disappointed. I'm trying to look on the bright side, though. There's always next year. Going next year would probably be better, anyway. It means I won't have to rush my way through the paperwork. It means I'll have more time to save up money; ideally I want to put away enough for the trip itself and enough for one month's rent, because the time I'll spend away is time I won't be working. And next year she'll probably have her own place, so me being there won't inconvenience her parents (though I do want to meet them - they sound like such nice people). And it'll give us more time to plan exactly what we're going to do! So... yeah.

Still, it's a bummer. Oh, well. When I think about it, it's probably for the best, anyway. Even though it feels like I've known her for ages, we still haven't been familiar with one another for that long. Seems kind of sketchy to go halfway around the world to visit someone I haven't known for even as long as a year. And yet -- well, no point in sulking about it.

Money ruins everything, ugh. Man. Well, as I said, there's always next year.

On the upside, I have a new pair of headphones. They're probably not the best ever (I don't know anything about headphones), but they're a lot better than the old-ass ipod earbuds I was using before. Now I can actually hear things without turning the volume up to 11; it's amazing. 'n I got them at Winners, so the price was pretty good. And I picked up some new cologne, too, even though I still have several bottles to go through - but hell, it was dirt cheap when usually this stuff is closer to 80 bucks, I mean, I can't turn that down.

Between that, and the fact that I've been talking with some awesome people and roleplaying a bit, I still feel pretty good. It's been a crap day, but it's the little things that make it brighter.

frivolities, fml, travel, friends, money

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