The sun still shines in the summertime / I'll be yours if you'll be mine

Apr 29, 2010 00:17

Lately LJ has been giving me problems - late comments, sometimes comments not even showing up at all until a day after they're left. So if it seems I'm ignoring you, really I'm not, it's just that LJ's being an ass.

Many thanks to those who had kind words to say about the cancellation of my summer plans. Really, though it's a disappointment, it isn't a big deal. I'll live. ;p With a whole 'nother year to plan, I bet Minni and I will be able to ensure it's extra-awesome. Hell, maybe I could even make arrangements to swing by and see some other people in the country, too... Well okay, I guess I wouldn't really be able to work that out, but it's nice to daydream about.

This week has been up and down and up and down and I'm so frustrated and stressed out but somehow I'm managing to make things out okay. In the next couple days I really plan to crack down on schoolwork. Beltane is Saturday; I keep forgetting that (and keep getting reminded). Even though I don't celebrate that one formally - Solstices and Equinoxes are my big celebrations - it'd still be nice to have that day free to just do whatever I want.

I just can hardly wait until things settle down. I have things I want to do. Writing and roleplaying aside, I want to take time to do my summer cleaning. I need to repair some parts in the washroom - yes, I could call maintenance, but the people my landlord hires just do a slap-job of everything, and I could do better. Need to put everything in order. And I want to visit my family. Even though my mother is absolutely bonkers, I still love her, and I miss my dad, and I want to see my brother again even if we never really have anything to talk about. Urgh, I feel weird being all "I miss my mommy" kinda' thing, but well. Family is family.

On a much lighter note, the Canadiens won against the Capitals today. Yessss. They play again on... Friday, I think? Maybe if I get a lot of work done I'll be able to keep an eye on it. 8D I've been kind of casually following everything - Ari's flailing on twitter helps (hah). And since the Canadiens beat the Caps that's now two drinks she owes me. Awesoooome. I'm totally going to hold her to it if she ever makes her way up here, too. Though I dunno' how I'd be after two drinks - last time I had that much, I stayed up the entire night commenting to Moona and I think the only thing that saved me from making a complete ass out of myself was the fact that writing comments on an iTouch is difficult and awkward.

hockey, school, travel, friends, yay, family

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