Groweth sed and bloweth med and springeth the wood new

Apr 23, 2010 17:36

Today did not go well. But as I was walking home from school, I drew in a deep breath. Then I drew in another, and I realized that the air smelled good. It had rained during the morning, and now everything was damp and sweet and smelled of good black earth and growing things.

I looked at the bushes alongside the road, and I saw that there were buds bursting, and fresh leaves uncurling, and shoots pushing up out of damp flower-beds. So I continued on. And I went home, and then out again, and in the park I found that the trees there, too, were putting out new growth.

So I found myself feeling better, because the world is fresh and growing again, and everything smells so good outside.

The world is lifting up, so I will try to lift myself up, too.

weather, angst

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