I'd always wondered what the Jun "dances like a mollusk" references were about. . . and after translating this song, now I know. But, I think "mollusk" is a mistranslation. ^^;;; (See translation notes at end for more.) So without further ado, here's "La Tormenta - 2004", the we're-pimps-and-we-know-it song where Jun does NOT "dance like a
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Wow, and I thought "spiral" had been angsty. The singer is doing a back and forth. . . he's yearning for a relationship with a girl who doesn't notice him. The "let me down" is Engrish for "I need to find my way out of this obsession", while the "don't let me down" is begging the girl to notice him. Not fully happy with this translation yet, as
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