A story of a 17-year-old girl from Québec City, who spent 11 months in Siberia. I have translated it from French; the original is provided below. I have found this article in MediaMatinQuébec, a free newspaper, which was published by journalists of Journal de Québec during their strike between 2007 and 2008.
On the site www.kazakova.tv you can sign a petition in support of Tatyana Kazakova, mayor of a small region on the shore of Baikal, who is persecuted by FSB (Russia's secret service)На сайте http://www.kazakova.tv вы можете поставить подпись под обращением в поддержку Татьяны Казаковой, мэра
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Yesterday, 16 June, in the Siberian town of Abakan, from 5,000 to 7,000 people took part in a rally against building a semi-conductor factory, where for treatment of selicon one envisages to use trichlorosilane, an extremely poisonous substance. Every fourth resident of the town (40 000 people) has already signed the petition against the factory.
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Today in Mezhdurechensk (Kemerovo region), where the exploded coal mine is located, residents have blocked the railway and clashed with the riot police. Before they held a protest meeting at the central square (video), where miners spoke about their low salaries (about 1000 dollars per month gross). As a result of the explosion 66 people have been
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Today over 2000 people have participated in a meeting in Irkutsk to save the Baikal lake from the pollution of the Baikalsk Paper-and-Pulp Mill. Another large meeting has happened in Samara - there over 1000 people demanded resignation of the local governor and the prime minister Putin.
A criminal case has been opened against Mikhail Afanasyev, one of the journalists who have informed the public about people knocking from the air pockets in the flooded machine room of the Sayano-Shushenskaya power plant, even though their information has been confirmed.
Three journalists have posted an appeal in LJ saying that knocking is being heard from the flooded machine room of the Sayano-Shushenskaya hydroelectric power station, where an accident happened two days ago and over 70 people died or are still missing. The knocking probably comes from people trapped in the air pockets. The journalists are pleading
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В Новосибирске работает частный "Музей СССР". Он насчитывает около 250 экспонатов, которые принесли местные жители. Экспозиция музея показывает лишь светлые стороны СССР, поэтому Гулаг в ней не упомянут. Владелица музея, Идея Ложкина, содержит также музей сибирской бересты.By Karina Aivazova
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