Title: Lust Summary: Draco is a red-blooded male, after all. ;) Rating: PG-13 Word Count: 274 Warnings: Implied het. Disclaimer: Not mine, etc. A/N: Unbeta'd.
Title: Seasons Summary: Harry helps Hermione rediscover the first snowfall. Rating: PG Word Count: 247 Warnings: Fluffy! ♥ Disclaimer: Not mine, etc. A/N: Unbeta'd.
Title: Yours, Love Summary: What is love? Rating: R Word Count: 232 Warnings: Fluff, first-time. HET! Disclaimer: Not mine, etc. A/N: Unbeta'd. Also, the rating is definitely on the cautious side. Mind the squick for het, darlings.
Title: Promise Summary: Harry asks a question; Hermione makes him a promise. Rating: G Word Count: 144 Warnings: Fluff. Disclaimer: Not mine, etc. A/N: Unbeta'd.
Title: Real Summary: Harry and Hermione reflect on their lives as they realize their Hogwarts years have come to an end. Rating: G Word Count: 152 Warnings: None. Disclaimer: Not mine, etc. A/N: Unbeta'd.