Title: Lust
Summary: Draco is a red-blooded male, after all. ;)
Rating: PG-13
Word Count: 274
Warnings: Implied het.
Disclaimer: Not mine, etc.
A/N: Unbeta'd.
He sighed and turned away to snap at Crabbe - or was it Goyle, this time? - running his fingers through his hair once again. Greeted by their gormless stares, he suppressed a groan only with difficulty, lowering his head to concentrate on his food. The noise of the Great Hall rose around him, trying to distract him with all the quirks and insanities of his fellow students at dinner - not to mention the staff members. But all that was going on around him wasn’t enough to distract him as much as he needed.
He could feel her there without looking up, knowing what he would find if he did: Pansy, her dark eyes firmly fixed on him as always, hooded with desire. For his part, the arranged marriage between them was merely one of convenience. He had certainly never felt anything towards her in more than a friendly way, unless there was something more familial in his feelings for the girl.
Well, that wasn’t quite true, if he was completely honest about it. But there, who could expect that of a Malfoy? Pansy certainly had… filled out nicely, over the years. And he was only a hormonal teenager, of course.
He looked up at last, meeting her lustful gaze. He arched one eyebrow delicately, the corner of his mouth curving into the expected smirk as he tilted his head to the side in a silent question: ‘Same time tonight?’
Eyes sparkling, she met his smirk with one of her own as she nodded slightly, the tip of her pink tongue darting out to moisten her lips - an unspoken promise of things to come.