Title: Kyuhyun's First Starring: Sungmin/Kyuhyun, Hyukjae/Kyuhyun Rating: NC-17 Genre: Romance, fluff, friendship Words: Ongoing A/N: For the BottomKyu community on LiveJournal Prompt: gif/drag game found in Lanaleiss' journal.
Title: Kyuhyun's First Starring: Sungmin/Kyuhyun, Hyukjae/Kyuhyun Rating: NC-17 Genre: Romance, fluff, friendship Words: Ongoing A/N: For the BottomKyu community on LiveJournal Prompt: gif/drag game found in Lanaleiss' journal.
Title: Kyuhyun's First Starring: Sungmin/Kyuhyun, Hyukjae/Kyuhyun Rating: NC-17 Genre: Romance, fluff, friendship Words: Ongoing A/N: A/N:For the BottomKyu community on LiveJournal Prompt: gif/drag game found in Lanaleiss' journal.
Title: Airport Starring: Sungmin/Kyuhyun Rating: Nc-17 Genre: AU, Romance Warning(s): Slash, PWP Words: 1,795 A/N: especially written for xxxsasuchanxxx and the Bottom!Kyu community