GigglingGigi: Stepping Stones (part 8 in the Letter 'Verse) (Jack/the 9th Doctor) [Nc-17]

Apr 22, 2011 15:55

Title: Stepping Stones (part 8 in the Letter 'Verse.)
Author: GigglingGigi
Challenge: 2011 Doctor/Jack Bingo Fest
Prompt used: Yearning, Nine/Jack tickling, kissing, What attracts the Doctor to Jack?
Rating: NC-17
Pairing: Jack/Doctor (9)
Spoilers/warnings: None as far as I can tell, please tell me if you spot anything.
Summary: One little stone changes the timeline. One word erases. One letter can rewrite it.

Link to the other parts:

Part 1 & 2
Part 3
Part 4
Part 5
part 6
Part 7:

On with the story...

Jack felt great!

The past few days with Rose had gone smoothly. They had bonded over being left at some silly retreat while the Doctor did something he wouldn't talk about. It was amazing how much tension the girl had been carrying around with her; he was glad to see her relax and melt. He'd had a few meltings of his own, while they were away from their Doctor. But now they were back on the TARDIS, and that right there was better than anything that could have happened on that planet.

Jack had just slipped away while Rose showed the Doc everything she bought. He loved clothes as much as the next guy, but he'd seen it all already. Plus, he could just use some time to feel the TARDIS all around him. It's amazing how much this ship has become home. There's just a sense of safety while he's within her walls. It's like she just wraps herself around him and nothing bad can happen while he is inside of her.

Or it could be the way he was feeling about the Doctor that added to that feeling of safety. The Doctor had been watching him while they re-boarded the TARDIS, keeping his eyes pressed to him like he thought Jack had done something to his sweet little Rose. Jack knew better than that; he would never hurt Rose. She was too important to the both of them. He honestly knew that if Rose had not been there when the Doctor had found him, things would have gone far differently.

If Rose was the kind of person the Doctor liked having around, then Jack was the least likely to get picked up. Rose also kept the Doctor's mood so light! She made him happy, which pleased Jack. He wasn't sure why it pleased him, why it made him happy, just that it did and that it was important. Jack wanted everything the Doctor had to offer...wanted to learn from him, wanted to be near him. Fuck it if he wasn't falling in love with the man. It's been a long time since he's fallen for anyone.

The last time had been his partner. They lived on the edge, depending on each other to stay alive. They'd even found themselves trapped in a time loop. There had been some really great moments but it was after all the bad things that happened during that loop that they'd stopped working together. It was also around that time that his memories were stolen from him. He teased himself with the idea of asking the Doctor to help find those memories, to help bring them back.

Risking it all and asking the Doctor for help and showing his weaker side. It was a good dream, to be able to find those memories, to see what he'd lost. Through he was scared of it too, scared he would find something that he wouldn't be able to handle. That he'd done something so bad, so cruel that it had to be taken away...or something happened to him that the only way to keep him sane was to take it all away. But they were his and he wanted them back. He needed them back...he could ask the Doctor. Jack let himself smile as he placed his hand on the wall next to him, letting his fingers brush over the smooth surface of the TARDS.

This was his home and he was in love with the Doctor. Amazing what a little alone time would have you thinking of, once you got started.

"Still flirting with my ship, Captain?" As the Doctor spoke his breath brushed over Jack's neck. Somehow the Doctor had snuck up on him. All Jack had to do was lean back into him. Just one step and they would be pressed tightly together, back to front. Something Jack had thought about when he was alone in his room, wearing a lot less clothing than he was right now.

He couldn't bring himself to turn around and look at the Doctor: He wanted to be able to think about this moment later, to review it, to rewrite and enjoy it. Instead he started to caress the TARDIS the same way he wanted to do to the Doctor. He let his fingers fall over the wall and slowly linger back upwards again to the spot they would brush over. Touching the ship like he would a lover. "Can't help it, Doc; she's so damn nice."

It was the Doctor that stepped forward and pressed into him, just pressing him closer, but not touching the wall. Just enough space that he could still pet the wall in front of him. The air from the Doctor's lung's tickled at his senses, teasing him just like he was teasing the ship. The Doctor's lips were mere inches from his ear, brushing over it in an almost but not-quite kiss as he spoke. "Careful, Jack -- you might make me jealous."

"I wouldn't ever dream of doing that, Doc," he couldn't hide the airiness his voice took on, the desire that was filling him. He let himself relax back into the Doctor, trusting the Doctor, because he really couldn't do anything less with the Time Lord.

"You're forgetting I know you, Jack." The Doctor chuckled and it rattled through Jack, feeling the Doctor's chest move against his back and the sound playing through his ear, into him. His cock twitched. "You like making me jealous. You like it when I notice you. Jack, I've noticed."

That was it. His cock which had only been half hard was now fully hard: he was aching with it. His jeans were uncomfortably tight. The Doctor took away the words he was going to speak when the Doctor's hand copied the motion that Jack's had done to the TARDIS on Jack's chest. "I've noticed how you look at me." The kiss was pressed to the skin just behind Jack's ear. "Noticed how you take care of Rose, how you flirt, how you tease me." This time a small bite, as if the Doctor wanted to mark him. Fuck, but Jack wanted to be marked.

"I've noticed how you have become so much more than the man I met, Captain. I'm proud of you." The pleasure from those words shock Jack because it was almost enough to make him come and he hadn't gone off that easily since his early teens.

"Oh fuck, Doc..."

"Let me finish, Jack." The Doctor's other arm wrapped around him, pulling him close, tightly, making him feel safe and wanted. "You have become bigger on the inside, you have become more than I could image. You will always have a place on the TARDIS. This is your home. Your home is with me." As the the words poured into him and the Doctor's touch washed over him, Jack's head fell back into the Doctor's shoulder. "You're mine Jack. My Jack, my companion."

The Doctor's lips fell upon his neck then. Skin was teased, bitten and sucked, marking him as the Doctor's. His own hands left the wall, and gripped at the Doctor's clothing. Anything just to touch him, to feel him. He could feel the Doctor's hearts beat at his back, luring him, pulling at him as the Doctor's lips did the same to his skin.

He was in love with the Doctor. And the TARDIS is his home.


pair: jack/9th doctor, author: gigglinggigi. fanfic, challenge: 2011 bingo, fanfic

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