GigglingGigi: Cost of One Letter (Nine/Jack, Jack/Ten, Jack/Eleven) [PG-13]

Mar 28, 2011 11:20

Title: Cost Of One Letter (Part 4)
Author: GigglingGigi
Challenge: 2011 Doctor/Jack Bingo Fest
Prompt used: Over all Prompts used: "I don't know how I feel!" Jack's timelessness is like a drug for the time lords. Kiss, The Doctor Fears what Jack will become. (This part) Old soldiers.
Rating: R for the over all story, this part should be work safe (Thank you to wendymr for catching the rating mistake, this is the part that is suppose to be PG or PG-13.)
Pairing: Jack/9th Doctor Jack/10th Doctor Jack/11th Doctor
Spoilers/warnings: In this part: For full fic Torchwood season two and three. Maybe for Waters of Mars, it's hinted at. None this part.
Summary: The Doctor got a letter. Or When Ianto does something he does it a bit too well.
Note: So this is where I ask myself, how many Doctors are too many Doctors in a story? Enjoy!(Please let me know if I didn't get the tags right, thank you. Or the rating)

There were two Doctors.

The one holding him hadn't let go yet, which was nice, but there was also the one that sounded mad. Jack in his drunk haze wasn't sure what he had done wrong. Oh yes, he was the one that was wrong. He pushed himself back on to the wall, not at all surprised that the younger Doctor did not let go of him. He was grateful; with the way his knees were feeling, he would have ended up kneeling in front of the other man. Not that that was a bad image. Hmm, two Doctors, this could be good if he could get the other Doctor, his other Doctor, not to be so mad.

"What do you mean, "your Jack"? Haven't really been taking care of him, have you?" The younger Doctor snapped at the elder.

"You have your own, where is he? Shouldn't you be with Rose?" the Tenth Doctor asked eying his younger self.

"Do I get a collar?" Jack asked thinking back on what the older Doctor said. If he belonged to him he should have a collar.

"What?" Both of the Doctor's asked at once looking at him as if they were shocked he was there. Maybe they thought they would be the ones to hash this out, but Jack had an opinion and he was going to say the idea of the collar was kind of nice, maybe a shiny black one with his name on the tag or something.

"You said I'm yours; does that come with a collar?" He tried to ask clearly, but it took a few tries to get it out right. He is very sure he said it half the other way around the first go. Or maybe that was just in his head because they seemed to understand. The Ninth Doctor pulled him closer, holding him so tight it almost hurt.

"No collars, Jack; I'm just not that kinky." The Tenth Doctor said as the Ninth snorted and muttered something under his breath.

Jack nodded which was a very bad idea because it made everything spin. He really shouldn't have drunk so much. Because now he was having a hard time tracking what was being said. It was like he was standing underwater.

"I'm here now, you can go." The Tenth Doctor was saying, moving towards them. The younger Doctor moved Jack a little too fast behind him, which sped up the spinning. He tried to tell the Doctor, but he was too busy yelling at himself.

"Oh? Like I am going to leave him to you; look at the state he is in." The state that Jack was in was going to end up all over the Doctor's shoes if he wasn't careful.

"I didn't get him drunk? What is he doing drunk? Jack doesn't drink." The Tenth Doctor looked at him more closely, as if to see what was going on in his head.

"I feel sick." Jack mumbled, trying to hold back the sick that was rising in him.

"Oh lad, none of that now. Wait until I get you back to the TARDIS."

"Oh...Well, you see that might not be a good idea. You might want to let me have him." The older Doctor was looking at him again -- in fact, he was much closer than he was a moment ago. Jack could just reach out and touch the Tenth Doctor's face. Just feel him there. Perhaps Jack was dreaming?

"I have a room nearby." He pulled himself away from the Doctor, using the wall to steady himself. The Doctors were too busy glaring at each other to really hear him. Jack sighed and took a few more lungfuls of air to get himself ready to go onward to his room. The cold air of the night was helping now to clear his head. If he kept his mind on a task then he could go on without dirtying anyone's shoes.

The Ninth Doctor glared at his older self. "I don't know what you did, but you are going to fix it!" That was the last thing Jack heard as the Doctors turned to follow him, it was the last thing he heard as he stumbled his way to the flat that had been home for the past few weeks.


"You want to tell me how Jack got like this?" Nine asked his older self, his eyes hard-set as the walked towards Jack's rented room. Jack's idea of the room was more than likely best. There could be no mistakes there, someone pressing the wrong button or the TARDIS deciding they all need to go on a merry little trip to the 1400's.

"Can't really tell you can I? The timeline and all..." Ten tried to explain but Nine grunted at him, the anger in his eyes just burning hotter.

"Don't give me that bullshite," He pointed at Jack who was fighting with his keys to get into the door. "My Jack, Our Jack, shouldn't be hurting like that. He shouldn't have been left alone."

"We've left others before."

"That doesn't make it right!" Nine took the keys that had fallen on the floor next to Jack's feet to open the door for Jack, who gave him this goofy grin.

"Think I can buy you that drink now? Got something in my room." Jack chuckled to himself.

"No more drinking, Captain." Nine snapped.

"I don't know; I could go for a drink." Ten mumbled looking at Jack eying Nine's bottom. It really wasn't much of a bottom; why was Jack looking at it like that? Answer: He was Captain Jack Harkness.

There was a crash inside the room just around the time Nine pushed the door open. Ten pushed his way past Jack, to step in front of his drunk friend to look at the man inside. He was young looking and wear the dorkiest bow tie. He looked like he had stepped right out of an advert for some posh college, when in fact he more than likely stepped out of the TARDIS which was now standing tucked into the corner of Jack's room.

"Oh, you're late. Or maybe I'm late? I did have to stop off and get something first... But we're all here now, aren't we? Oh -- where's Jack?" Jack peeked out around the the Doctors to look at the new man. "Oh, there you are, Jack! I've got something for you!" He held out what looked like a strip of leather with something metal hanging from it.

"Oh, Hell; not another one," Nine mumbled, pushing everyone into the room.

Part 5:

pair: jack/9th doctor, author: gigglinggigi. fanfic, pair: jack/10th doctor, challenge: 2011 bingo, pair: jack/11th doctor, fanfic

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