GigglingGigi: Cost of One Letter (Nine/Jack, Jack/Ten, Jack/Eleven) [PG-13]

Mar 29, 2011 11:18

Title: Cost Of One Letter (Part 5)
Author: GigglingGigi
Challenge: 2011 Doctor/Jack Bingo Fest
Prompt used: Over all Prompts used: "I don't know how I feel!" Jack's timelessness is like a drug for the time lords. Kiss, The Doctor Fears what Jack will become. Old soldiers. (This part)Frozen hearts fear no lies.
Rating: R for the over all story, this part should be work safe (Thank you to wendymr for catching the rating mistake, this is the part that is suppose to be PG or PG-13.)
Pairing: Jack/9th Doctor Jack/10th Doctor Jack/11th Doctor
Spoilers/warnings: In this part: For full fic Torchwood season two and three. Maybe for Waters of Mars, it's hinted at.
Summary: The Doctor got a letter. Or When Ianto does something he does it a bit too well.
(Please let me know if I didn't get the tags right, thank you. Or the rating)
Note: The song that hit me hard while writing this (my play list on random): Blue October: Everlasting Friend

There were three Doctors.

One sitting on his bed, glaring at the other two. One standing by the window looking out, looking as if he wanted to be anywhere but there. The last one -- well, he was standing there looking at Jack with a new grin, but it still looked the same to Jack and... He had that collar laid in his hand, offering it. It was almost too much for Jack; he couldn't take it. That’s why the one Captain was in the bathroom with the door closed. Not locked, because he knew what locks meant to the Doctor.

Luckily, not one of them followed him into the room; he was alone. Alone with his thoughts and the toilet. Which was a kind, cool thing on his cheek which was laid upon it. The last of whatever was in his system had already been flushed away. What was he going to do? Why were they are all here? It didn't fit with his ideas of the Doctor.

Jack had truly thought that he had seen the last of him for a very long while. He knew that time and space weren't all that big, but unless all of time and space was close to coming to an end... No, he wouldn't be seeing the Doctor. Yet here he was, hiding in his bathroom away from the three of them.

He had to steel himself up (wash himself up) to deal with all three of them. He needed to be able to deal with whatever this was supposed to be. Oh, fucking Hell; one of them had a collar. A black leather collar that looked just like he'd thought it would. He could take that, he could take it and just let everything be fine for a long while. He could take it, and just wait for it all to slip away.

He missed being with the Doctor; missed the part of himself that would jump, ready to do whatever the Doctor ordered. Being his Jack.

Jack needed to figure out just who he was; if who he was, was ready to go forth and cling to the TARDIS all over again. If he was ready to come home.


"What are you, sixteen?"

Eleven raised an eyebrow. Why did people always ask that? He didn't look like he was underage, did he? Through he did wonder just how young his next face might look; he was wondering if he should worry about reaching the TARDIS controls.

There was no time for this.

"He shouldn't go with either of you. He should come with me," he said all at once. "He needs to come with me."

"Why should I trust you with him? Look at what this idiot did to him." Nine all but growled looking at Ten, who turned and glared at himself.

"There's a lot you don't know about." Ten snapped back.

"Yes, but I know it all. Don't I? I know about everything." He looked at Nine, he had been filled with so much rage when he was him. Needing Rose and Jack to heal; needing Rose to smooth him out. Then the other him, his Tenth self. He'd had so much pain he had to work through. He needed to go work it out to become him. "You're his past," he said to Nine. "You shaped him to become the man he will always be. You helped him get on his feet. He can't go back. And you?" he said looking at Ten.

"Well you are his now, but he needs more than that. You need more than that. He needs to go forward because that is the only way he can heal from the now. We all are a part of Jack, but both of your times are done. It's my turn to take care of Jack and his turn to take care of me. Our Jack has grown into being a lot like us. He need someone who lived through it all. Who lived through having to burn his home and people, someone who had to live watching his loved ones go away. He needs someone who knows that there is more. I'm the next part in the circle."

He'd had a lot of time to think about this, and well, it helped that he'd heard it once before. He knew what was going to happen. He needed it as much as Jack.

"I'm not sure if I'm ready to let him go." Ten said sitting down in the chair next to the window.

"You have to. You have so much more to do, so much more to see." Eleven almost winced at the fear he saw in Ten's eyes: There was anger. Anger that was just misplaced fear. Oh, but he knew that about himself. He could remember how much he didn't want to go forward. Too happy at staying right where he was so that he wouldn't have to face what was to come. Always, always running, running away. It was a part of who he was after all.

"How much more time?" Ten asked, his tone bitter as he looked at his newer self. "Tell me."

"He can't tell you and you can't tell me." Nine said in one of his rare gentle tones. "That’s not how it's done."

"I'm sick of how things are always done! We're Time Lords. Lords of Time!" Ten stood up to walk across the room to the half bottle of booze on the dresser. Eleven got there first; his hand closing around the bottle.

"Really? I thought you would've had enough of that on Mars." It was a slap. He knew he was the one person that could hurt himself the most. Because he knew so much about himself. He'd already seen that.

"Well, that was..."

"A mistake that we can't do again. We'll make more mistakes, but not that one. Not ever again." Eleven moved the bottle out of reach for Ten, just as an hour ago, Nine had done for Jack. It hadn't been lost on Nine at all. He wanted to ask what happened on Mars but he knew better. The less he found out now the less he would have to try to forget later.

"I don't want to die." Ten half whispered to Eleven.

"We all have our time. That’s what I'm trying to say, Theta."

Louder, more clearly as he looked into his older self's face. Ten said, "Well, I can't leave without saying good-bye, can I?"

"So you're leaving then?" They all turned to look at Jack. "You just got here."

The three of them standing there before Jack made such a picture, Eleven was sure of it. He moved over to Jack, careful not to interrupt the eye contract Jack had with his Tenth self. This was important; they were saying goodbye. He knew the importance of that. "I'm leaving, but I'm staying."

"Doctor, that makes no sense at all."

"Yes, it does, Jack." He smiled, not his grin, but a smile because Jack needed to see him smile. he needed to see that he was still his Doctor. "Come sit down, Jack: We need to talk."

The few steps to the bed felt like a lifetime to take. A few steps that would lead them someplace better, the Doctor could only hope. He looked at his two past selves. Sighing as Jack sat down and he knelt down in front of the Captain. "I got this for you, Jack." He held out the collar which had lain safe in his pocket this whole time; a weight keeping him grounded, reminding him why he was doing this.

"If you put that on me Doctor and go away, I don't know what it will do." Jack didn't even want to touch it; he was scared of it. Of what it meant, of how it could mean he would give himself all over to the Doctor to only to find himself watching the TARDIS disappear again.

"It's not going on you Jack, I'm asking you to put it on me. I'm the one who keeps running away and getting lost." All but the one who was speaking were shocked at the words. Ten turned away, but Nine caught him before he got too far: Bearing witness to this was something they owed Jack.

"What are you asking, Doctor? I didn't think you were the marrying type." Jack's fingertips touched the collar, just brushing along the leather...touching the tag that read: 'The Doctor, if lost please return to Captain Jack Harkness.'

"Someday, Jack, I just might ask you that. Right now, I'm just asking you to try with me now. To take this step with me. To come home." The words were what he wanted to hear. Just what he wanted to hear. So a part of him didn't trust them at all. But looking into those eyes, he knew that he had to. Because it didn't matter how many times he did it, Jack would still die for his Doctor.



pair: jack/9th doctor, author: gigglinggigi. fanfic, pair: jack/10th doctor, challenge: 2011 bingo, pair: jack/11th doctor, fanfic

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