Title: Someday was Yesterday (Part Six of the Letter 'Verse)
Author: GigglingGigi
Challenge: 2011 Doctor/Jack Bingo Fest
Prompt used: "Will you marry me?" "Day at the beach." "Pi" "It's wroth his occasional self-disgust." *Bingo! All of the G's are done..(update)and there another Bingo which I just found, so cool two Bingos!
Rating: R
Pairing: Jack/Ianto, Jack/John Hart, Jack/Any Doctor
Spoilers/warnings: In this part: For full fic Torchwood season two and three. There is just swearing in this.
Summary:Ianto get a visitor and the circle starts as it closes.
Someday Was Yesterday.
He didn't really believe him at first when he came to him, telling him that he knew a way that he'd make sure the Doctor would come for Jack. There had been too many lies between them to really believe John Hart. There had been the fight beforehand about John staying to help, rather than just doing what he'd planned. But the man explained and explained that there were just some things in history that were set in stone...that even he wouldn't fuck with. Couldn't fuck with.
"I'll show you...and I'll have you right back here before they know you're missing. That's the beauty of time travel, eye-candy." To Ianto's well trained ears it sounded like Hart was begging him -- that he needed to do this as much as Ianto needed to write the letter. They both owed Jack a great deal more than Jack would ever let them repay. Perhaps this was the only way they'd both get to see Jack happy.
It had always been painfully clear that John loved Jack. It wasn't the kind of love that was shown with flowers and candy; it was the kind you often saw with children. Teasing and pulling hair. Doing childish things because you didn't know how you felt, and why you felt that way. John being as he was just fed into that. Ianto wondered what kind of man Jack would have become if he'd stayed with Hart instead of meeting the Doctor, then later becoming the head of Torchwood 3.
When he finally agreed, Hart pulled him into his arms -- close enough to kiss. Ianto could feel John's heart racing, which proved to him that John had worried Ianto would turn him down. There was the fear that John was just going to lead Ianto to his death...take him somewhere to add to the problems his team was facing. Yet, some part of him needed to see that Jack was going to make it out all right.
The smell of saltwater hit his nose as the jerking feeling crashed over him. It felt as if his skin needed to resettle on his bones. If it weren't for Hart's arms around him, Ianto would be face-first in the purple sand that they landed on. "Where are we?" He wasn't given an answer, just pulled forcefully by the arm, down the beach.
"Shut up, eye-candy, and just watch -- we don't get much time here."
"I thought we had all the time in the world, time travel and all." John glared at him for his answer but it was worth it.
"There are rules," he half-mumbled, pulling Ianto with him.
"I've never known you to follow rules." He stopped short when saw where John was taking him. There on the beach before him, Jack was standing next to some man that Ianto just knew was the Doctor. He could clearly see the happiness on Jack's face. So much so that it almost hurt. "What is this?" He couldn't hide the fear laced through his words.
"Their joining day. Jack and his Doctor... Told you if you wrote the letter, the bastard would come for him, didn't I?" John was close to Ianto, his hand still holding his arm, the grip painful. Oddly enough it was just what Ianto needed to stay grounded, to remind himself why he was here. Yet there was a nagging feeling that he was missing something.
"Why?" he asked, looking at John, trying to understand.
"Because the Doctor bloody well asked him, didn't he? Looks so fucking happy, doesn't he." John answered watching the two men exchange what had to be rings, they were too small to be anything else.
"No. Why are you doing this? You aren't doing this for me, so it has to be for him. Is it because of Gray?" The look that John gave him while he formed the question could have been deadly all on its own. The other man's grip tightened; there would be marks Ianto would have to explain away later...
"No. It's because of Jack. Jack is the reason why we've all done things... When we were together, I never doubted anything. His fucking smile got me through so many fucking jobs. Then the shit hit the fan, didn't it? He didn't smile any more. I hate it when Jack doesn't smile. Even when it's not real, there's just something wrong about that." He spun Ianto around so that he was looking at him, studying him. "Then I fucked up his happy little family...by helping his brother." The anger in Hart's voice sent chills through Ianto. "He wasn't smiling...then when I saw him...after...there weren't any more smiles, so I had to fix it."
"I thought you said you couldn't change things?"
"Shut up! I know what I'm doing, I know what I have to do. This doesn't fuck anything up, it fucking fixes things. And if you don't write that fucking letter, the 456 is the least of your problems eye-candy." They stood there staring at each other, eyes locked on one another. The pain and hate for each other melting into an understanding.
Neither liked the other, but there were times when you had to allow that the other might be right. Ianto would write the letter, and John would make sure that the Doctor got it. Then Jack would end up here, happy, not alone-and-not-smiling...like John had said he'd seen. That was worth it all, worth the fear of being forgotten. Worth the fear that the Doctor might very well one day hurt Jack.
He would give anything to see his Captain happy. He owed him that and so much more. He nodded and Hart's grip lessened, his eyes relaxed just slightly.
"Let's go...I have a letter to write."
And so he did.
Part 7: