GigglingGigi: Cost of One Letter (Nine/Jack, Jack/Ten) [PG-13]

Mar 26, 2011 12:22

Title: Cost Of One Letter (Part 3)
Author: GigglingGigi
Challenge: 2011 Doctor/Jack Bingo Fest
Prompt used:(In this part)"I don't know how I feel!" Jack's timelessness is like a drug for the time lords.
Rating: R for the over all story, this part should be work safe (Thank you to wendymr for catching the rating mistake, this is the part that is suppose to be PG or PG-13.)
Pairing: Jack/9th Doctor Jack/10th Doctor
Spoilers/warnings: In this part: Torchwood season two and three. (Maybe for Waters of Mars, it's hinted at.)
Summary: The Doctor got a letter. Or When Ianto does something he does it a bit too well.
(Please let me know if I didn't get the tags right, thank you. Or the rating)

Part 3: On the TARDIS some where.

The truth of the matter was that after he read the letter (which would be the second time, as although the first time he tried to make himself forget, something slipped through) he didn't go anywhere at first. Because he was afraid.

He didn't like to say he was afraid, he didn't like to think that he, the Oncoming Storm, could be afraid. Even more, being afraid of Jack was like being afraid of a well-loved pet. At least that is what he tried hard to view the Captain as.

If he was completely honest with himself, he didn't know how he felt for him. There was the budding of something when they first met. Rose had held them together and made them feel like they were a part of each other. He had been too raw, too cut thin to really have something with anyone. Then after he ran, (to get Rose to safety, he told himself), he knew that being around Jack would have changed him in ways he wasn't ready for.

There was also the fact that a lot of him was screaming that Jack was wrong. (He could have worded it a little better when he told Jack but that was neither here nor there.) He was wrong because as a Time Lord a Fixed Point would itch under your skin. You would want to get away from it but also there was something about being so close to it. It was like being drugged, like feeling the Vortex all over again for the first time.

No one ever would forget their first time.

He read the letter 12 times. First time barely seeing the words, just feeling the slap that it felt across his face. The other times trying to see if he'd missed something. When the strange half-memories came back to him he knew he had to go. But still he did nothing.

The TARDIS buzzed at him. She really did have opinion. She was making sure to tell him. She wanted him to go. She wanted him to go see Jack and it felt like he was supposed to. "I don't know," he had said, talking to her; "I don't know if he would really want to see me."

One should never anger a TARDIS. A TARDIS that liked changing her rooms around was really not good mad. She pressed at him, moving the rooms so that when ever he wanted to go find the kitchen or the bathroom or his bedroom he always walked into the Control room first.

"Fine! Fine! I don't know how I feel, I am not sure if I want to see Jack." He grumbled at her.

In the end however once he had enough time to think about it he felt that he should go find Jack. At least to check on him, to make sure things ended all right.

Mrs. Gwen Cooper-Williams told him everything.

He wished he knew nothing at all.

She had stood there babe in arms telling him about the 456 and how that had been the end of Torchwood 3. He nodded and listened, thanked her, but couldn't tell her why he couldn't come and stop it all. After what happened on Mars he knew that he had to follow some rules. His rules, the rules that life had taught him across its knee.

Tracking Jack hadn't been hard at all; in fact the half-memories led him to the planet, to where the bar stood. He could hear the music pouring out of it as he came to it. What the half-memories did not tell him or show him, was that Jack was going to be in someone's arms.

His arms, the him that Jack had first met. The way their bodies pressed to each other, the heat coming off them was almost too much to watch. He could remember the feeling of those lips pressed to his, the taste of the booze on Jack's lips. How he made him feel.

He felt jealous. That him had his own Jack. A Jack who was untouched by many things. Why would he kissing HisJack. Truly it made no sense to anyone but him but there it was. That him was trying to steal his Jack. It wasn't right.

Something clicked in his head, almost like a dinner timer going off. "Oi! Hey! What are you doing to my Jack?"

Part 4:

pair: jack/9th doctor, author: gigglinggigi. fanfic, pair: jack/10th doctor, challenge: 2011 bingo, fanfic

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