Scifiangel Time Travel can be a Bitch (Jack/The Doctor) [Adult]

Mar 27, 2011 12:44

Title: Time Travel can be a Bitch
Author: Scifiangel
Challenge: 2011 Doctor/Jack bingo
Beta: None - All mistakes are mine.
Prompt: Time Lord + Time Agent = timey-wimey relationship
Pairing: Doctor/Jack
Rating: Adult
Warnings and Spoilers: Depiction of graphic sex
Disclaimer: I don't own our lovely boys. They belong to the BBC. I make no money from this, much to my sorrow. Full disclaimer under cut.

Summary: See prompt The last I need for bingo! Yeah!

DISCLAIMER FOR ALL FICTION HERE: This is a work of fiction. Names, character, places and incidents either are products of the author’s imagination or are used fictitiously. Any resemblance to actual events or locales or persons, living or dead is entirely coincidental. This is a work of parody, as defined by the Fair Use Doctrine. Any similarities, without satirical intent, to copyrighted characters, or individuals living or dead, are purely coincidental. This work has not been endorsed by Russell T Davies, the BBC, or any of the others holding copyrights or licensed books or movies. No connection is implied or should be inferred. This is not a commercial work. The authors receive no financial gain from its production or distribution. It is available without charge. This work is intended for adults only. Some of the content of this fiction is graphically violent and/or sexual. It is intended for readers age eighteen or over and anyone underage is prohibited from reading. Distribution is limited. The distribution of this story is for personal use only. Any other form of distribution is prohibited without the consent of the author.

Time Travel can be a Bitch

When the young man who would later call himself 'Jack' first met the Doctor he had no idea who he was. He was just this crazy, but gorgeous blond with a celery stalk on his lapel, who had saved him from being shot by an alien. His hero had left before he could get his name, but it inspired him to join the Time Agency and help to save the universe like his savoir.


When he was a novice time agent, a man with a chiselled jaw and a ridiculous bow-tie had bought him a drink in the bar he frequented. The man had such wonderful hair, but his eyes looked at him with sadness and regret. He couldn't turn him down even when he know it was a one-off.

The odd alien had made love to him with such passion and emotion it left him shaken, but he left without a word. He never knew his lover's name, but the young time agent vowed he would never forget him.


Capt. Jack Harkness was a bit irritated at first by the free-lancer Rose had called Spock, but when the Doctor saved the world from his recklessness, he wanted him so badly. Many a night he lay in his bed on the TARDIS, touching himself and imagining it was the Time Lord's hands instead of his own.

Then he was abandoned on a space station full of corpses and he wanted to die. 'What had he done wrong?'


When Capt. Jack Harkness, Torchwood liaison to UNIT, first saw the Doctor, his first thought was 'What a ridiculous scarf', then he though about how good it would feel to strangle the Time Lord with it. Instead Jack walked away as fast as he could to avoid any paradoxes.

Later, he couldn't get the image of how sexy the Doctor would look tied to Jack's bed with that scarf out of his head and he hated himself for being so weak.


Jack stood hidden behind a door across the Plaz in Cardiff secretly watching himself, Rose, and "his" Doctor exit the TARDIS. He knew he was taking a huge risk being here. He had sent the rest of the team away because of the risk to the time-line, but he couldn't help it. This had been the best time of his life.

He spent the rest of the night thinking of how it could have been and crying into his pillow.


Jack Harkness had died with Ianto and Steven. He was going simply by "The Captain" when the New Doctor approached him. Something about his bow-tie bothered the Captain, but he couldn't put his finger on it.

"Hello, Captain," the Doctor said as he sat down next to him. "Can I buy you a drink?"

It wasn't until hours later as his Doctor was buried deep inside him that the former Jack Harkness remembered where he'd seen this Doctor before.

After-words there were many apologises and tears. Jack had come home.

Don't be shy. Tell me if you like it.

Complete Master List

pair: jack/any doctor, challenge: 2011 bingo, author: scifiangel, fanfic

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