HP One Shots: Cross-Post: Part 1/3

Oct 10, 2010 14:36

Three by the Beach - Albus Severus/James Sirius/Teddy (Romance/Fluff - PG-13 - SLASH)
Good Idea, Bad Idea - Alicia/Fred, Alicia/George, Angelina/Fred, Angelina/George (Humor/Comedy - PG-13)
Distractions - Alicia/Oliver (Introspection/Character Study/Romance/Fluff - PG)
Games - Angelina/Draco, Harry (Introspection/Character Study - G)
Fury that Destroys - Angelina/Harry (Drama - PG)
White Wdding - Bill/Ginny, Bill/Fleur, Ginny/Harry (Song - G)
Hot Pink Bouncy Ball - Bill/Hannah (General - G)
Two Wrongs - Cedric/Ginny (General - G)
Dæges Ēage - Cedric/Luna (General - G)
The Golden Egg
- Cedric/Myrtle (Drama - G)
Tomorrow - Cedric/Susan (General - G)
Something Loved - Charlie/Fleur (Drama - G)
Playing with Fire - Charlie/Hermione (General - PG)
Clean Up - Charlie/Luna (Humor/Comedy - PG)
Harmless - Charlie/Pansy (Humor/Comedy - G)
Failure - Cho/Neville (Hurt/Comfort - G)
Victories - Cho/Oliver (Introspection/Character Study - G)
Waiting - Cho/Viktor (Drama - G)
Blessed Day - Draco/Ginny (General - G)
That Song - Draco/Luna (General - PG)
Moaning Ghost - Draco/Myrtle (Humor/Comedy - PG)
A Friend in Need - Draco/Pansy (Introspection/Character Study - G)
Meaning in Silence - Draco/Pansy (Introspection/Character Study/Hurt/Comfort - PG-13)
The Story of the Fat Friar - Fat Friar (Introspection/Character Study - G)

het: hp: angelina/fred, character: hp: harry, 2009, [hp], het: hp: cedric/luna, het: hp: cedric/ginny, character: hp: alicia, character: hp: george, *genre: general, het: hp: draco/luna, character: hp: teddy, het: hp: cedric/susan, {100_women, character: hp: bill, character: hp: draco, character: hp: angelina, 2010, \era: hp: post epilogue, gen: hp: bill/ginny, het: hp: draco/ginny, 2008, slash: hp: albus s/james s/teddy, *genre: introspection, het: hp: angelina/harry, *genre: hurt/comfort, character: hp: viktor, character: hp: cho, *genre: romance/fluff, het: hp: angelina/draco, *genre: drama, *genre: humor, character: hp: myrtle, .rating: pg, het: hp: cho/viktor, character: hp: luna, character: hp: fat friar, het: hp: charlie/pansy, het: hp: cho/neville, *genre: song, character: hp: cedric, character: hp: neville, het: hp: draco/pansy, het: hp: alicia/fred, het: hp: charlie/hermione, *fic: one shot, character: hp: charlie, het: hp: draco/myrtle, het: hp: alicia/oliver, {hh_writersblock, het: hp: ginny/harry, het: hp: bill/hannah, het: hp: cho/oliver, character: hp: fred, \era: hp: pre-trio, character: hp: susan, .rating: g, {hp pairings, het: hp: cedric/myrtle, character: hp: fleur, character: hp: hannah, \era: hp: next gen, \era: hp: trio, character: hp: ginny, character: hp: albus severus, het: hp: charlie/luna, .rating: pg-13, het: hp: charlie/fleur, character: hp: pansy, {hogsmeadewkends, character: hp: james sirius, {fanficland, het: hp: bill/fleur, character: hp: hermione, character: hp: oliver, het: hp: alicia/george, het: hp: angelina/george

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