music video

Aug 30, 2009 21:35

This should be pretty easy, but I don't have TV so I'm not familiar with current music videos. I was at a bar last night and they had one of their tv's on Much Music, however there was a live band playing so the tv was on mute, and for some reason the program didn't give the name/artist of the video at the beginning and the end.

So, I'm guessing it's a pop song, the artist was a fairly hot female, straight black hair, fair skinned. She was the only 'real' thing in the video, but she interacted with some things that were drawn/made of paper. The background was primarily blank white, the girl was wearing a black dress with pink at the top in the beginning of the video, then a pink dress later on. There were some weird shadowy monster things interacting with her, as well as she was playing a piano and there were some trees and maybe birds(all these things being drawings/paper)?

that's about all I have to go on, and for whatever reason I'm just sort of curious who it was. Thanks :]

Thanks to valissalynn I found it. Trouble is a Friend - Lenka :D

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music, livejournal, play, quote, song, clothing, food, place, music pop, word, 2000s, animal, instrument, music video, video, !found, tv, plant, band, artist

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