If my review was a little odd yesterday then yeah, was still feeling pretty out of it with my cold. Feeling better today but still didn't get that much school work done. I don't have a lot of it actually but I do want to start working on my major paper (even if it isn't due until November, still
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So if I sounded a little out of it in my review, yeah, my immune system seems to be crap this year so I'll feeling a little loopy. I think it's partially the rapidly changing weather (the weather did almost a 180 on Sunday and finished that 180 Monday and kept going so that I was freezing last night even with a double layered wool blanket*). Also
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Don't think I've mentioned it yet but for the past two days or three days it's been really chilly for May, in the 60s during the day and dipping into the 40s at night. Seriously, didn't I come out of the mountains to get away from this weather? XD Shouldn't be complaining so much though, the English weather does mean that I'm not working up a sweat
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(Would you guys believe it's possible to cut your hand on a Mac? Because trust me it is, sharp little buggers). But before my self inflicted injuries I developed my first roll of film today~ I had developed pinhole photos before but that is a bit different (simpler and in pinhole photography you have sheets for your film instead of rolls of film
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And, since it was early in the morning, I just gave up and went to bed after an exhausting day yesterday. Heck today, aw crap, um, yesterday, was also pretty tiring so I'll try to snap this out as quick as possible. ( Not a lot actually, I'm too tired to get super detailed )
Blech. Yup, it's a mini ice storm up here and one girl has already broken her wrist in front of my dorm. Lovely, didn't actually know it was freezing rain/raining at the freezing point when I went out for class. I just knew it was cold and windy enough that I couldn't open my curtains (no that's pretty much literal, I had to keep putting the
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Between headaches from the weather fronts moving in (seriously, how does a few hundred miles away hurricane give me an incurable headache?!?) and the following wet weather in general (blah, lethargic) I haven't done much writing at all over the past few days. Behind on the NaNo as well by a few thousand words, I plan to bribe myself tonight with
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...um, WTF mate? Glad that I won't be up here Saturday, I don't think I can handle snow before November. Just, yeah, too early, we're gonna have snow until March anyway, lets not be hasty and pace ourselves
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Well I got to bed earlier than I suspected last night (but still later than I meant to be, accidently stayed up until 3 skimming Scott Westerfield's new novel, Leviathan which Olivia and I had found in the local Waldenbooks on Friday, the place even has manga!). Spent a few hours riding the bus/waiting for the bus so Olivia and I could make it out
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^^ That was an actual quote I heard today, I thought it looked more like Silent Hill outside myself, seriously I need to post photos to demonstrate just how foggy it was. I was seriously worried about getting lost to my math class, but if I had my camera I could've gotten an awesome shot of my dorm looking all imposing and forbidding
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