Originally published at
VampAmber's Clutter. Please leave any
comments there.
Okay, it seems that I’m right back to bouncing up and down, emotionally. I can sit and laugh and hang with Aaron and Tyra and Lee, but then feel like shit immediately after. It doesn’t help that Jim’s went from ignoring my existence to treating me like shit. He’s pissed that I haven’t moved, even though it’s his fault that I haven’t moved yet. He promised my mom that he’d get me boxes, and I assumed he would, what with promising to and such. Besides, if anybody in this apartment has a reason to be pissed off at somebody else in this apartment, it’s me at him. He never does chores. Ever. He might take out the trash in the kitchen if it’s overflowing. He doesn’t throw away any of the trash that sits next to the can, he doesn’t take out the trash from the bathroom (even though it’s nasty and overflowing 99% of the time). He doesn’t do dishes, sweep, mop, vacuum, clean the bathroom, clean up after himself, ANYTHING. Then the other night, he had the godsdamned nerve to ask me, who has no fucking money, if I’d do a load of towels because we were out of clean ones. Mind you, he asked this after putting his one load into the washer. Because he’s apparently only allowed to do one load a week, no matter how much is dirty. I wish he’d just grow up already. It’s not even just the chores and the laundry and the living-in-filth thing, either. Whenever I say or do something that isn’t fawning at his damn feet, he throws a temper tantrum. Seriously. I dunno, maybe it is a good thing I’m getting the hell out of here. Maybe once I’m not here to wipe his damn nose, he’ll learn to take responsibility for himself. Because he’s REALLY lacking that. His entire life right now is go to work (where he basically sits on his ass in front of a computer all day long), play video games, and go places with Heather or other friends, and sleep. And exactly one load of laundry a week, no more, no matter the circumstances. No chores. No real labor. No acting like a grown-up whatsoever. I am not his mom, so he needs to quit treating me like I’m supposed to take care of his every need. Fuckinghellshitdamnfuck! Now I can’t wait to move to a place that doesn’t make my guests feel like vomiting when they walk through the door. Oh, to live in a clean house again. It’ll be nice.