Today has been a good day and for that I am grateful. Michael and I woke up a bit late. My mother apparently textmessaged me about her dog, whom she was supposed to drop off for me to take care of and then take back to her house before we went to the UU church for our "Spirit in Practice" class. Well, fussy Rasputin didn't want to come over.
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Today is my first day without Ritalin LA and my appetite is insanely huge.:( I have more healthy foods to eat now, though. Michael went to the grocery store without me since it's huge sensory overload for me (he's mostly fine in a crowd as long as nobody is chewing gum or typing). I'm having the desire to eat when I'm not even hungry. I just
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Today has been a good day so far. I didn't feel anxious today, even before taking Ritalin LA. My mood has been stable. My mother cooked and we ate around 1pm. Then my brother, Michael, and I played Disney Princesses Uno. Michael won most of the games and I won the least:P We watched South Park episodes, too. Now Michael and I are going to
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Today I was quite anxious. This was due to some situations that make me very anxious normally, but I also might have forgotten to take Ritalin today. For me the greatest difference I notice with Ritalin now is that it helps my anxiety during the day. Michael and I left his house in the early afternoon and we had to do a bunch of errands and
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Today my anxiety and depression have been under control. My weight obsession is a little present, though... My people obsessions are okay (and it doesn't hurt that Amber emailed today after I emailed her). Though I know I can't depend on other people for my happiness and sense of peace... My Who's the Boss? obsession is fully back, which is
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Today I wasted too much time online, then went to the mall to buy a skirt from Aeropostale that was on sale. I didn't buy it yesterday because I was on Klonopin and that makes me think it's a good idea to buy everything, so I bought nothing to be cautious. In all honesty I shouldn't be buying anything since I have my eye dilation and psychiatrist
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I'm feeling pretty happy at the moment. I got an email back from my friend in Spain today and yesterday even though it had been taking her longer to respond. Hearing from my friends always makes me feel better. I have lots of books to read, a painting to work on, and more anime to watch. Xena isn't really upsetting me anymore and I'm just
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I'm feeling in a little cheerier mood right now. I don't really know why. My nose is still runny and my eyelids are puffy and red so I still feel gross. I'm going to try reading in a minute. I lost my place in my book so I have to go search for where I was. Right now I'm not really having obsessive thoughts besides the nostalgia, and it feels
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