August 26: Inquisition: Torres, Part II

Aug 26, 2022 23:59

Title: Inquisition: Chapter 09: Torres, Part II
Author: 3am_moonlight (MirroredIllusions on TtH)
Crossover: BtVS / NCIS
Rating: Teen
Word Count: 1,080
Timeline: BtVS: Post-Chosen & NCIS: anytime after Ellie joined but before Abby left.
Disclaimer: Nothing copyrighted belongs to yours truly.
Summary: Vampires, witches, Slayers, and what goes bump in the night has been exposed to the public. The vampires have become media darlings while Slayers are being painted as evil. After four years of being hunted by law enforcement, Buffy has allowed herself to be captured. Major AU.
Author's Note: Written for Day 26 of the 2022 August Fic-A-Day.
Previous: Gibbs - Torres - Bishop - Bishop Part II - Bishop Part III - Gibbs Part II - Mallard - Vance -

Four hours after Director Vance began interrogating her, she was bored. She had also gotten dinner while being stared at, sorry, been guarded by five muscular agents who were all holding a loaded gun in their hands with the trigger off. At least they had kept them pointing at the floor, but it was very apparent they expected her to attack at any moment. Which didn't really make sense since she had done nothing violent since she had been arrested. She hadn't even acted aggressively.

Vance had been kind of like Gibbs, only more controlled and better behaved. He had also lasted longer, even if he had kept asking the wrong questions. He had left after about an hour of trying to figure out how the Defender's Council was structured and who was in charge after Giles had been killed the year before.

She was back in the second interrogation room though and waiting for whoever was next. A part of her hoped it would be Agent Bishop. The woman didn't believe her, but she was questioning what was going on, and more importantly, she was beginning to see that things didn't add up. If she came back maybe more of the spellwork or whatever it was, would crack, and maybe even break completely.

She was disappointed however as she heard the heavier footfalls of a man come closer to her not-so-private room. Agent Torres entered the room a few minutes later.

"Agent Torres," Buffy greeted him. "Did they let you out of detention already?"

"Miss Summers." He ignored the bait and just went to sit down. Without any preamble, he went straight to questioning her further.

"According to multiple sources, you killed a god, or possibly the God, at some point during your time in Sunnydale. Please explain that."

She blinked. That was an odd spin on what had happened back then.

"It was a hell god from a demon dimension, and I didn't kill her."

Most people believed she had killed Glory, but she didn't. It had taken some time before Giles had finally admitted that he had killed Ben and therefore Glory, but they had silently agreed not to tell anyone that.

"That made no sense."

"Right. You're a novice at this. There are a lot of magical dimensions out there, and some of them are known as hell dimensions because they're full of demons and all things evil. Glory, or Gloricicus as she called herself, came from one of those. She ruled that hell dimension along with he brothers, but for some reason she never explained, they decided she was too evil for even them, and banished her to this dimension and specifically to Earth in human form.

"She needed something specific to open a magical portal so she could go home. I refused to give it to her since opening that portal would have caused all kinds of chaos on Earth since it was highly likely some kind of hell beasts would come through before anyone was able to close it."

More importantly, she was unwilling to sacrifice her little sister. It didn't matter that the girl was a magical construct made out of parts of Buffy and the universe. Dawn was real, bratty personality and all. She was or rather had been, her little sister. Someone who had been worth dying for.

"The more you talk the more it sounds like you're trying to make some kind of fantasy novel out to be reality." He shook his head and then sort of changed the topic a little. "Do you believe in God? Not your demon hell gods, but the Christian God or any of the other major religions?"

"That's a loaded question. Also, irrelevant." He kept staring at her with narrowed eyes. "I guess you worked out your issues with Director Vance since you keep asking religion-related questions and he hasn't tried to stop it this time."

Torres chose to remain silent so she switched her focus to the man on the other side of the two-way mirror and made eye contact. Vance only stared stoically back. So she switched back to Torres and gave him eye contact instead and remained silent. She could play this game, too. If he wanted to waste time, it was his prerogative.

He lasted for two minutes and she very carefully didn't smile at her victory.

"What happened to your father?"

"Well, that was a major change in topic."

"Answer the question, Miss Summers."

She sighed, her father was not a favorite topic of hers. "Fine. I don't know. The last time I actually saw him was back in the late 90s when he dropped me off at my mother's house. There were phone calls for a few years, but no more visits, and then he turned into a full-on deadbeat dad. I gave up on him after I was unable to get a hold of him with mom died."

"Have you tried to make contact with him after Slayers and vampires were exposed?"

"That would be a negatory. Given his lack of help since my parents divorced, I doubt he'd be willing to help me now that just about everyone wants me dead. In all likelihood, he's probably done all he can to erase me from his life so he won't be associated with me in any way."

He leaned forward as he scribbled notes in his little book. "Have you always hated your father?"

"I don't hate him. Back in the day, before my parents went through the messy divorce, I was daddy's little princess. Afterward, I was an afterthought, at most."

"That must've hurt your feelings."

"Of course, it did. But I was also a teenager, testing boundaries, and trying to find myself."

"Why did your mother move you to Sunnydale? There are a lot of small towns and the like around Los Angeles. Why did she pick that one?"

"According to her, it was because they were willing to take me despite the expulsion, but more likely it was the Powers That Be who wanted me there, and then manipulated the situation to create what they wanted."

The Council was obviously also involved since Giles had been working at Sunnydale High for a few weeks when she arrived. The question was did the Council know they were being manipulated?

The rest of her session with Torres was mainly questions about her early days on the Hellmouth before she was left to her guards again.

fandom: ncis, !2022 august event, author: 3am_moonlight

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