August 03: Inquisition: Torres

Aug 03, 2022 23:57

Title: Inquisition: Chapter 02: Torres
Author: 3am_moonlight (MirroredIllusions on TtH)
Crossover: BtVS / NCIS
Rating: Teen
Word Count: 1,437
Timeline: BtVS: Post-Chosen & NCIS: anytime after Ellie joined but before Abby left.
Disclaimer: Nothing copyrighted belongs to yours truly.
Summary: Vampires, witches, Slayers, and what goes bump in the night has been exposed to the public. The vampires have become media darlings while Slayers are being painted as evil. After four years of being hunted by law enforcement, Buffy has allowed herself to be capured. Major AU.
Author's Note: Written for Day 03 of the 2022 August Fic-A-Day.

"I'm Special Agent Nick Torres," her new interrogator introduced himself without any grand gestures as he sat down across from her. Unlike the older man who had been there before, he was proudly wearing a crucifix necklace about two inches long. It was old and well-worn after clearly having been in use for a few generations.

Torres placed a notebook on the table and poised a pen above it, ready to take notes. "According to your juvenile record, you were charged with the murder of a foreign national named Kendra Young. You skipped town in May of '98 but returned a few months later, and the charges were dropped a few days after that." He inclined his head slightly, "Explain why you killed Miss Young, why you ran away, and why you chose to return."

She knew this was bound to come up but it didn't make it any easier. "In order of your questions; I didn't kill Kendra, a vampire did. I ran away because the Sunnydale PD was extremely corrupt, and both they and the high school principal were in the pocket of the Mayor. I returned because I was a teenager and I missed my mother and my friends."

Torres just kind of looked at her before asking in a condescending tone, "You returned because you missed your mommy?"

Buffy slightly lifted an eyebrow but decided not to raise to the obvious bait. "Yes, Agent Torres, I missed my mother." Then, just to flip the script a little, "Do you have a problem with that?" A part of her wanted to return the insult, but it wouldn't really get her anywhere if she stooped to his level.

"No, of course not. You just don't seem the type to care about anyone." If he only knew how wrong he was...

"Really? Based on what? The word of various vampires who have never met me, and probably only knows me as a character in boogeyman stories, or selective police files written by corrupt Sunnydale Police officers?"

"That, too. But you don't come across as trying to be helpful. Everyone in your terrorist organization is dead, and you were not there to help them. A few were even executed publicly. Where were you?"

She couldn't help but just stare at him in exasperation, "Just about all law enforcement agencies, all bounty hunters, and random people off the street were trying to catch me, and preferably kill me. And you think I should've attended any of my friends' executions? Contrary to popular belief, I don't have a death wish." At least not anymore, she added silently to herself.

He just looked at her expectantly. "I was elsewhere, trying to locate new Slayers and train them. Someone has to do it since those who were supposed to do it have been murdered in cold blood and for a little extra money."

Truthfully, while "Willow" had been executed on national television for supposedly being a traitor to the US, it had actually been another witch who had volunteered to temporarily take on her red-headed friend's appearance. Meanwhile, the real Willow was off somewhere secluded with a coven of the most powerful witches they had been able to get a hold of, so they could try and figure out how the world had been duped into believing the vampires and their whole 'we're innocent undead Americans!' act.

The theory was that there were one or more warlocks involved who were working in conjunction with master vampires to make a worldwide thrall or spell. If it was magic, and not just people being their usual gullible selves, then they needed to find a way to break it. Unfortunately, they had not been able to get very far and they were running out of time.

Agent Torres leaned over the table a little more, "So you were off somewhere converting impressionable twenty-somethings and making them into killers like yourself?" He gave her a look she couldn't decipher, "How do you make Slayers, Miss Summers?"

"I don't make them."

"Then how do you find new ones, and who does give them the power?"

Buffy sighed, "It's pretty simple and brutal; the moment one Slayer is killed a potential Slayer somewhere else receives her powers and becomes a Slayer."

Like a small child, the federal agent kept pushing, "But how? Who makes the choice? How is the power transferred?"

"It's a mystical process. There is a set number of Potentials at all times. For example, if you killed a Slayer in New York City a Potential in Kairo could be the next Chosen one if that was where her powers were needed the most at the time."

"But how is it transferred?"

"Again, it's a mystical process. I don't know anything more than that."

"Who chooses the new Slayer?"

"I don't know."

"Take a guess. I'm sure you've thought about it."

That was true enough, and she had even asked both Merrick and Giles about it, but neither of them had a definite answer. Just guesses and theories.

"The leading theories are that it's either the Powers That Be who makes the decision or there is some kind of spellwork that activates whichever Potential is closest to where a Slayer is needed. It doesn't matter either way, we can't change it."

He straightened his back and suddenly looked a lot more alert. "Who are these 'Powers That Be'? Are they a coven of witches and Slayers working for your terrorist organization?"

Buffy snorted in a very unladylike manner, "No, they don't work for anyone, but we, and I include you and most law enforcement in that 'we', work either directly or indirectly for them since they are the ones guiding the forces of good. And before you ask, the forces of evil are led by the Senior Partners. They are the ones who are responsible for keeping the Eternal Balance between good and evil."

"That's some grade A bullshit." He glared, "Try again, the truth this time."

"This might come as a shock to you, Agent Torres, but the truth is still the truth even if you don't believe in it."

An internal debate became visible on the man's face, and then all of a sudden he began speaking in Latin. "Pater noster, qui es in caelis, sanctificetur nomen tuum. Adveniat regnum tuum. Fiat voluntas tua, sicut in caelo et in terra. Panem nostrum quotidianum da nobis hodie, et dimitte nobis debita nostra sicut et nos dimittimus debitoribus nostris."

As he stopped for a moment to inhale, she jumped in and finished it with him, "Et ne nos inducas in tentationem, sed libera nos a malo. Amen."

Latin pronunciation, like just about any other language, had never been a strong point for her, and the last word had definitely been said in English, but it was good enough to be understandable. Scholars would probably not agree, but it had been effective when she had needed it.

Wide brown eyes stared in confusion at her, "Yes, Agent Torres, I know the Lord's Prayer in Latin. My first Watcher made me memorize it in case I needed it to protect myself. I also frequently enter churches to get Holy Water, and," she grabbed the neck of her sweater and pulled it far enough down for her neck to be visible along with the silver cross that was hanging on a chain, "I have no issues with crosses or crucifixes."

She let go of the garment, "And no, I am not possessed. There are no holy objects or words that will work against me. Also, not a vampire."

Before the shocked Agent could say anything there was a sharp double knock on the two-way mirror. She glanced over and saw an annoyed black man in a sharp suit who was glaring at Torres despite no doubt being aware that the other man couldn't see him.

Taking a guess she told her current interrogator, "Looks like the bossman isn't a fan of the Lord's Prayer."

Torres glared at her before he got up and collected his notebook and pen. "We're not done here."

"Your boss seems to disagree. You probably violated some kind of code of conduct or social whatever."

Agent Torres left without another word, and, like Gibbs, he reappeared in the other room. Another argument ensued, but this one was louder and much angrier. He was clearly in trouble.

It was obvious they didn't know anything useful, which was probably why she was in here answering questions rather than on her way to her own execution. Maybe it was time to consider getting out of this place...

fandom: ncis, !2022 august event, author: 3am_moonlight

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