3 Aug 22 - It Started With A Book

Aug 03, 2022 20:42

Title: It Started With A Book
Author: Beriaearwen
Crossover: Stargate SG-1 / Buffy the Vampire Slayer
Characters: Daniel Jackson (others are listening or referenced)
Rating: Suitable for people over 13
Word Count: 1177
Disclaimer: The characters of Stargate SG-1 belong to SyFy, etc. The characters of Buffy the Vampire Slayer belong to Mutant Enemy, etc. All are used here without permission. No copyright infringement is intended.

Summary: Daniel had to go to Cleveland for assistance translating. Adventure (and concussion) ensued. This is his verbal report to his team.

It Started With A Book
By Beriaearwen

It started with a book.

No, I’m not simplifying things too much. I don’t care, it’s either this or you wait until Janet clears me to type.

Anyway, it started with a book, well an artifact and then a book, and a trip to Cleveland.

I haven’t mentioned Cleveland? No? Well, Cleveland was definitely involved as were London, Hong Kong, Milan and McCook. That last being the one in Nebraska.

Did I mention he have a concussion?


So. Book. Cleveland.

The artifact brought back by SG-4 needed translation and Rothman figured out the language was similar to Ugarit which has the Baal Cycle - Yes, Jack. I know how you feel about Baal. No, the script I was reviewing had noting to do with him. Well, then you’ll have to let me finish.

My old contact at the university had left to work for a private company, so I called and asked if I could consult with him. Apparently he was very busy at that point in time and couldn’t leave, so I went to see him instead.

Of course scholars can be busy. That’s not true. Jack!

Biggest needles you have, Doc.

Anyway, he had to get permission and, apparently, I had to get permission and there was signing NDA’s, but I got there...

Jack, I know you know what an NDA is so you know very well I can’t discuss anything with you.

Sam, will you smack him please? Thanks Teal’c.

So I got to Cleveland and found my friend. And I just have to say, they have an amazing library. I can definitely see why he chose to switch jobs.

Huh? What dopey look? Jack!

Yes, sir, General Hammond, the report.

So, we were in the library translating the text when he had to call in another expert. She -

Yes, Jack. She.

No… No… She was young, like college student young. No. Dawn.

Anyway, it took a while, but she figured out what the difference was between the key we had and the one on the tablet. It turns out the dialect…

Right. So. We were just about to restart the translation when her sister came in.

What look? What are you talking about? I don’t… Well… Yes, she was quite beautiful. Yes, and strong. Yes, I would say intelligent. No! Why would you think we… Jack!

Thanks, General.

Anyway, her sister came to ask her a question and I started reading the translation out loud, which caused all three of them to call out. Apparently they have a rule about reading in front of the books.

How would I know? Just… Just let me finish, OK?

So, I started reading; they started shouting, then there was a bright flash of light and we were in a basement - though I swear it looked more like a castle dungeon - that Dawn and Buffy…

Didn’t I tell you? Yes, that’s her name. There’s nothing wrong with the name Buffy. What are you talking about? I don’t need a wedding venue…

Whatever. You’re making my head hurt. No, in addition to the concussion.

So, basement. Dawn and Buffy identified it as being in “The London House”. I asked if they meant London, Ontario, but, no, they meant the one in England. So while I was trying to figure out what was going on, my friend called Buffy and Dawn over to a particular shelf. I followed along. Part of the text was written on an odd looking item. It was a little dusty, so I reached out to clean it, since the light wasn’t that great, I picked it up and then there was a flash of light and we found ourselves on the main floor of another building. There were Chinese and English lettering around and I saw something that said “Welcome to the Hong Kong House”.

While I was looking around, the other three had a brief discussion, which I didn’t really understand since they seemed to be using references only they understood. And… well… there were all sorts of items just laying around as decoration…

No. This time it wasn’t me that picked it up, besides, Buffy took that piece from me and looked it over. She exchanged a few words with the others and they set out to look at some other items.

I had found a fascinating wood block cut most likely used for early printing when there was another flash and we ended up in a catacomb.

Well, of course I didn’t know where. Catacombs aren’t that rare, but Dawn caught sight of a mark on it and the sisters exchanged a look before saying “Milan”. So, I assumed we were in Milan.

Of course, that was also about the time I began to wonder about the level of light in the catacombs. I didn’t see any wiring. I didn’t have to wonder long, though. A gang came around a corner with a bunch of flashlights.

They shouted at us and took a swing at Buffy, but she pushed Dawn backward into me and both of us ended up in a little alcove for a moment before she and then I were pulled out by some of the fleeing gang members.

Yes, Jack, the gang members were running. I don’t know what happened. Buffy had a fierce scowl on her face, though and a few of the gang members were dragging the unconscious ones behind them.

Well… Yeah. Kind of embarrassing, but I pulled my arm free, tripped over a humorous and hit my head on the floor. Yes, Janet, that’s what I told you before. They reported I was out less than thirty seconds, but I was still groggy and trying to think again when there was a flash and I became disoriented again.

By the time I was OK again and Dawn was satisfied that I was really OK, Buffy was holding, well, I’m not sure exactly what it was, but it looked like a weapon. Then I found out we were in McCook, Nebraska and they offered to drive me back since they didn’t think I should fly with a concussion. They promised to send my things along as soon as they got back.

I don’t know, Sam. I suppose it could be tech, but I didn’t bring the original, just a copy of the text.

No, I don’t have any theory about why the tech for putting together a thing on Earth would be on another planet, not unless ti was thought to be just a story…

What? No! I don’t… Well, yes, I think we parted on good terms. No. I have my friend’s number, though. What do you mean check my phone? I’m not allowed to read anything for a few more days.

Fine, but not you. Sam, here, you look.

She texted?

I am not grinning like an idiot, Jack!

Presidential request to foster closer relationship with them? But?

Yes, please. Explain it to me later. I think I need a nap.

Thanks, guys.

Don’t read in front of the books...


fandom: stargate sg1, !2022 august event, author: beriaearwen

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