August 12: Inquisition: Bishop, Part III

Aug 12, 2022 23:59

Title: Inquisition: Chapter 05: Bishop, Part III
Author: 3am_moonlight (MirroredIllusions on TtH)
Crossover: BtVS / NCIS
Rating: Teen
Word Count: 1,079
Timeline: BtVS: Post-Chosen & NCIS: anytime after Ellie joined but before Abby left.
Disclaimer: Nothing copyrighted belongs to yours truly.
Summary: Vampires, witches, Slayers, and what goes bump in the night has been exposed to the public. The vampires have become media darlings while Slayers are being painted as evil. After four years of being hunted by law enforcement, Buffy has allowed herself to be captured. Major AU.
Author's Note: Written for Day 12 of the 2022 August Fic-A-Day.
Chapters: Gibbs - Torres - Bishop - Bishop Part II.

The room on the other side of the two-way mirror was about the same size as the interrogation room, but it appeared quite a bit smaller due to all the politicians and various federal agents who had crammed themselves in there. The capture of the Queen Slayer Buffy Summers was a huge occasion and 'everyone' wanted to witness her being questioned and preferably be the ones doing the actual questioning. However, as she had surrendered to NCIS they had gotten first dibs, and since they were in Washington, D.C. the 'honor' of interrogating her went to the Major Case Response Team.

Buffy had spent years being the center of attention for many reasons, being popular in school, being an outcast at school, being a Slayer among her friends, being the so-called 'Queen Slayer' after they activated all the Potentials, and then when they were all exposed. Still, sitting in a small room answering questions about Sunnydale with many high-level somebodies in the other room, even if she couldn't name a single one, was different.

During all of her interviews, she had kept a passive eye on them, not because she thought something would happen, but because it was imperative to have good situational awareness at all times. It usually paid off, and this time was no different.

Two men had entered the observation room shortly after Agent Bishop had returned from getting confirmation about Harmony's real identity. Which in itself hadn't been strange, people came and went. What had been strange was their attitude. Most of the people back there had been glaring at her or at least observed her with some level of neutrality, but those two had also given Agent Bishop the same hateful glare.

When she saw the glint of metal in their hands she reacted out of pure instinct before she had even realized they were holding guns, and rose from her chair, snapped the chainlink between her handcuffs, and then jumped on the table, grabbed Bishop, and ran for the wall the two-way mirror was on. The federal agent would probably have a few bruises from slamming into the wall, but it was better than a bullet through the head.

She placed herself partially in front of the other woman, just in case, and despite being smaller than her. After all, she was less likely to die or receive serious injuries from being shot. As soon as she realized no one was coming for them again, and that all the people in the other room were busy trying to control the situation, she turned to the shocked woman behind her.

"Are you injured?"

"No. What happened? Who shot at you?"

"I don't know who they are, but they were definitely aiming for both of us and not just me."

"Bishop!" A male voice she recognized as her first interrogator interrupted them as he leaned through the shattered window. "Are you okay?" He sounded shocked, angry, and confused. Most of the latter appeared to be because of their current location more than the actual situation happening in the same room as he'd been in.

"Gibbs. I, we're fine. Summers saved us." The little recognition felt good.

Then, because good feelings never lasted he asked, "How did you move so fast, and how did you get loose from the handcuffs?"

Bishop immediately looked down at Buffy's wrists and saw that the bracelet part of the handcuffs was still where they had been, but the chainlink that had linked them together was broken more or less in the middle leaving them dangling.

"Part of the Slayer package is enhanced speed and strength, remember?"

"No," Agent Bishop insisted, "those handcuffs are reinforced titanium. They were specially made and then tested on vampires to make sure they would be able to hold Slayers without any of you being able to break them."

Buffy couldn't help but give her a look of pity. "Think about it; do you really believe vampires would allow themselves to be guinea pigs for stronger handcuffs that would not only hold Slayers but also vampires? Most likely you were sent minions who were maybe twice the strength of a normal human, but nowhere near the strength of an average vampire. They're not going to set themselves up to be overpowered or shackled by anyone, even if it would mean holding Slayers."

Rather than continue the line of questioning, Buffy turned to the Lead Agent-In-Charge. "Did you get both of the gunmen?"

He frowned at her, "There was only one gunman, Miss Summers, and he was aiming for you."

"No," she insisted, "there were definitely two. One of them was aiming for me, and the other was aiming for your agent's head. This wasn't just about me and what I stand for. Someone clearly doesn't approve of Agent Bishop's line of questioning and wants her dead before she asks something they really don't want on record."

Which probably meant that she had been asking to fact-check more than just the truth about Harmony. Which begged the questions, what had she been asking, who had she been asking, and how had they managed to trip the wrong alarms?

Those blue eyes gave her a searching look for a moment before he began asking more questions. "How do you know there was more than one, and who they were aiming for?"

Oops. She would've preferred not to reveal the how, but there was no point in holding it back now. Sighing she decided to go for the truth. "I can see through the two-way mirror. As soon as I saw the guns I reacted and got myself and Agent Bishop to relative safety."

"Why didn't you go for the door?"

"There wasn't enough time, and it would've placed us directly in the line of fire if I hadn't managed to move fast enough. It wasn't worth it."

Agent Gibbs was about to ask more questions when he was joined by the sharply dressed black man who had glared daggers at Agent Torres the day before.

"Enough talking. Agent Bishop and Miss Summers need to be escorted to medical to get checked out."

"I'm not injured," Buffy tried, "But Agent Bishop might develop a few bruises from sort of getting slammed into the wall."

"That was not a question, Miss Summers." He gave her a stern look, followed by a short decisive nod, and then he retreated.

Soon after a group of people came and escort them to medical.

fandom: ncis, !2022 august event, author: 3am_moonlight

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