Aug 25, 2022 - The Sacrifice (FR-13)

Aug 25, 2022 22:55

Aug 25, 2022 - The Sacrifice (FR-13)
Author: mmooch
Summary: **Part of the 2022 August Fic-a-Day Challenge** Thanos’ quest for the stones reaches an obstacle.
Crossover: Avengers
Rating: FR-13
Word count: 643
Challenge: for the livejournal 2022 August Fic-a-Day Challenge
Timeline: AU end of season 5 for BtVS; Infinity War for the MCU
A/N: So here’s the thing…I fell down the rabbit hole watching clips of “Say Yes to the Dress” and came close to forgetting about the writing today.
Disclaimer: BtVS/AtS characters belong to Joss Whedon/Mutant Enemy. MCU characters belong to Marvel, Disney et al. I claim no rights to any copyrighted material. Please do not copy or take this story without my permission.


“Welcome, Thanos, son of A’lars; Gamora, captured ‘daughter’ of Thanos,” a voice called out from the shadows.

“You know us?” Thanos inquired.

“I do, and I know what you seek…what all who come here seek,” she replied in a soothing tone as she stepped forward.

While they followed the woman, Thanos asked, “How is it you know this place so well?”

“I’ve lived lifetimes here; it would be strange if I didn’t know it well,” she answered. When they got to the edge of the cliff, she continued, “What you seek lies here, as well as its price.”

Thanos frowned at her wording. “What do you mean?”

“The soul stone is different from the other stones; it requires a trade. The soul of a loved one for its use. Are you willing to make that trade?” the woman demanded.

Gamora smiled in triumph. “I’ve waited my whole life to witness your failure. Watching you kill and torture millions only to lose now because you don’t love anyone!”

Thanos looked at her in sadness, actually shedding a tear, which she immediately scoffed at seeing.

Their guide remarked, “The tear isn’t for him.”

In that moment, Gamora knew what he was going to do and couldn’t believe he’d claim to love her just to get the stone, but when she tried killing herself to screw it up, he used the damn reality stone to thwart her again. Then he dragged her to the edge and tossed her over the side.

She expected to die, but instead of landing at the bottom; she simply appeared next to the woman, who was looking down at Thanos’ cooling body in amusement.

“That never gets old,” she quipped, her mysterious nature evaporating like fog on a sunny morning.

“What happened?” Gamora asked. “He sacrificed me to get the stone!”

“Which, as you pointed out, proves he doesn’t love you. The only one Thanos loved was Thanos…like all the psychos who come for this particular stone. Now, I’m kind of tired of hanging out on discount Mordor, so can I hitch a ride out of here with you? The others that got this far all came alone and since I don’t know how to fly a ship, I’m stuck,” she babbled.

“That’s why you’ve been here so long? You never tried flying the ships?” Gamora asked in surprise.

The woman grimaced and admitted, “I’ve tried, but failed horrendously. I think the only reason I haven’t died is because I can’t on this weird planet. Could be wrong, but that makes the most sense to me. I’m Buffy, by the way,” she introduced herself, reaching out her hand.

“And you obviously already know my name is Gamora,” the green assassin replied, shaking her rescuer’s hand. “I’d be more than happy to fly you anywhere you want to go.”

“Cool. Let’s grab the bling of badness and blow this popsicle stand,” Buffy said with a smile. “If I understand the system here correctly, as soon as we leave, it’ll be Thanos’ turn to be stuck as the tour guide. The guy who did this before me…well, let’s say we had a difference of opinion and I won. Since he died, he technically left, and I became the new Dread Pirate Roberts.”

“You speak very strange,” Gamora told her bluntly. “I think Peter would like talking to you.”

“Can’t wait. It’ll be interesting to see what this dimension is like away from this place. I don’t even know if it’s the same one I left when I went through the portal. Is there a planet called Earth?” she asked.

“Terra is the planet Peter was taken from years ago,” Gamora said.

Given the context, Buffy took that to mean Terra and Earth were the same place.

“If we get the chance, I’d like to go there,” Buffy requested of her traveling companion.

A/N: I was going to do something different for Infinity War, but Musie thought this would be more fun. Gotta say that sacrifice thing didn’t make a lot of sense to me. And if anyone would understand when sacrificing a loved one would work, it’d be Buffy.

fandom: avengers, author: mmooch, !2022 august event

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