Master List, Round One!!

Sep 24, 2009 15:53

This is a list organized by REQUESTER:

b_dsaint: Tribble Out of Water
Pairing/characters: Hints of Kirk/McCoy and Spock/Uhura
Rating: PG-13

betweenthebliss: Easy Is A Shadowed Look
Pairing: Kirk/Spock pre-slash
Rating: G/PG

bluemoon02: we drift deeper (as the rush comes)
Pairing/characters: Spock/Uhura
Rating: T for implied sexuality

celebros: The Universal Language
Pairing/Characters: Spock/Uhura, Gaila
Rating: PG

cest_moi_01: Spun a Web
Pairing/characters: Kirk/Spock, Spock/Uhura, Scotty?
Rating: PG

curiousbelle: This is Our Legacy
Pairing/characters: Pike, McCoy, dabbling of Kirk. Kirk/McCoy if you squint.
Rating: PG

dragojustine: Something Like a Countdown
Pairing/characters: ensemble fic; Kirk/McCoy, Spock/Uhura with hints at past Uhura/Gaila and Scotty/sandwich :D
Rating: PG-13

echoinautumn: Indeterminacy
Pairing: Sulu/Chekov
Rating: NC-17

eldritchhorrors: Damaged
Pairing: McCoy/Chekov
Rating: NC-17

estei: Gone
Pairing/characters: Kirk/Bones, Bones-Centric
Rating: PG

girlonthewing: Little Things
Pairing: Kirk/Spock
Rating: R

grizzlycub: It Can Always Get Weirder
Rating: PG-13 for language
Pairing: Kirk/Spock, mostly gen

hackney_ed: The Only Cement
Pairing/characters: Gen, Enterprise crew friendship fic
Rating: G

hempfandango: Chiaroscuro
Pairing/characters: Spock/McCoy
Rating: PG-15

hihielmo: Smile and Nod
Pairing/characters: Nero and Ayel.
Rating: G

hitlikehammers: On to Become
Pairing/characters: Kirk/Spock
Rating: PG-13

hopesopalshard: Art: Chekov in WonderTrek
Pairings/Characters: Chekov, Spock, Kirk, Bones, Nameless Klingon
Rating: PG

igrab: Calendar Days
Pairing/characters: McCoy/Spock
Rating: NC-17

irisbleufic: The Tea That Broke the Camel's Back
Pairing/characters: K/S (pre-slash)
Rating: PG

jadeddiva: Intersections
Pairing/characters: Gen, ensemble
Rating: PG

k_krum: Too Wise to Woo Peaceably
Pairing/characters: Kirk/Spock + Uhura, McCoy
Rating: PG-13

kaledra: First Time to Meet
Pairing/characters: Spock, Jim, a little of Amanda, Sarek, Pike and Bones
Rating: PG-13

lisamariedavis: Vector Map
Pairing: McCoy/Kirk
Rating: PG-13

lubov_lubov: Five Times Bones Was Sick
Pairing/characters: Kirk/McCoy
Rating: PG-13

madelf: Friendly Support
Pairing/characters: Kirk, Bones friendship
Rating: PG

madeyemax: Three's a Crowd
Pairing: Scotty/Chekov
Rating: Adult

marionetteblue3: Pink
Pairing: Kirk/Spock
Rating: NC-17

mirror_fade: And the Mourners will Laugh
Rating: PG-13
Pairings: Nero/Mandana, Nero/Ayel implied, Nero/Pike implied if you squint

moogsthewriter: In Us We Trust
Pairing/characters: Bones, Jim, Scotty
Rating: PG-13, for swearing and blood

mytsie: Illogically Devoted
Pairing: Sarek/Amanda (Slight Winona/Frank)
Rating: G

noein9: Tapestry
Character: Spock Prime, Sarek, mentions of Sybok
Rating: G

perkyshadowgirl: Confidentiality
Pairing/characters: Spock/Kirk, OC/OC, McCoy/Chekov
Rating: PG-16

pervyficgirl: Penal as in Penalty
Pairing: Yeoman Janice Rand / Dr. Helen Noel
Rating: R

phisinfinity: Incomplete Curriculum
Pairing/characters: Sulu/Chekov, minor hints at Spock/Uhura and Bones/Kirk
Rating: NC-17 for sure

possibly_thrice: Time to Go
Pairing, Rating & Genre: Pike/Jim Kirk; PG13 (pre-slash)

posyvanilla: You Found Me
Pairing/characters: spock/kirk
Rating: pg-13

potatofiend: To Feel the Sun from Both Sides
Pairing/characters: Kirk/Spock (Prime)
Rating: PG

racheldeet: lay my loves upon the shore
Pairing/characters: Pavel Chekov
Rating: G

rhaegal: No Mercy for the Restless
Pairing: Kirk/Spock
Rating: PG-13

sadiesin13: A Guilded Hook
Pairing: Spock/Kirk and SpockPrime/Kirk
Rating: NC-17

sarahnix: Inelastic
Pairings/Characters: one-sided Spock/Kirk, unclear off-and-on Bones/Kirk
Rating: PG-13

scifiroots: Hazards
Pairing: Kirk/Spock
Rating: PG

seularen: Suspicious Sickness
Pairing: Bones/Kirk with Bones/Jim/Spock friendship
Rating: mature

silviakundera: Nightingale
Pairing/characters: Christine Chapel/Nyota Uhura
Rating: PG-13

slwatson: No Such Thing as a Slow Day
characters/pairings: TOS, gen, Scotty-centric, Ensemble.
rating: G

snortingcoke: What She Needs
Pairing/characters: Kirk/Uhura, Spock/Uhura (mentions)
Rating: NC-17

stand_december: Your Understanding of My Motives is Flawed
Pairing/characters: Kirk/McCoy, Spock/Uhura
Rating: PG

subterrain: Inkblot Tests and Word Association
Pairing/characters: Ensemble / pre-K/S/M
Rating: PG

taraljc: Welcome Interruptions
Pairing/Characters/Genre: Gen. Christopher Pike and Winona Kirk-centric.
Rating: T for some language

tehlanes: Untitled
Pairing/characters: Scotty/McCoy
Rating: PG-13

the_arc5: Turn of the 'Verse
Fandom: Reboot x Firefly/Serenity, 2 years post-movies
Pairings: Kirk/Spock established relationship, Scotty/Kaylee (and hints of eventual giant space orgies with the whole lot)
Rating: R for multilingual strong language and some sexuality

the_summoning_d: I Could Shine
Pairing : Scotty/Uhura
Rating : PG-13

tightshorts: Be Human
Pairing/characters: Kirk/Spock; McCoy, Uhura, Chekov
Rating: NC-17

tripperfunster: Untitled Art
Pairing: Bones/Spock
Rating: PG-13~R

tyleet27: Paths to the Singularity
Pairing/characters: Kirk/Spock with a dash of Spock Prime.
Rating: R

ugasaiki: Art: STD+Virus
Rating: PG
Characters: Kirk, Spock, Bones friendship
Rating: PG
Characters: Bones/Spock

use_theforce_em: My Best Shirt
Pairing : Kirk/Spock, kinda. Mostly nonpairing.
Rating : PG

vain_flower: Jim Kirk and the Test of Thirty Days
Pairing : Kirk/Spock
Rating: R

waxbean: The Size of His Dream
Pairing/characters: McCoy, Pike
Rating: PG

wren10514: Tea & Compromise
Pairing/characters: Kirk and Spock gen, possibly Kirk/Spock pre-slash; some Kirk/Enterprise
Rating: G

yanyann: By Any Other Name
Characters: Mostly Kirk, with a good helping of McCoy, Spock, Uhura, and a few of the other members
Rating: PG-13

youngcurmudgeon: Plan FOWBIUT
Pairing/characters: Kirk, McCoy/Spock
Rating: Hard R

zarathuse: Medical Override
Pairing: Kirk/McCoy
Rating: PG 13

P.S.: As I clarify in comments: this doesn't mean that people still waiting on a story won't get one. There are still 16 people (IKNORITE, RIDICULOUS, SEE MY ICON OF RAGE) who wrote fics and didn't receive them in return. Most of the unfilled stories were assigned to pinch-hitters... who, in return, failed to write them on time. We're working on reassigning them. It is our sincere hope that all of the fics will be filled, in time.

... anyone wanna pinch hit? If so, please repost your stats of what you will write. Remember, the requirement for round one was ONLY 650 WORDS.

I'm working on the Round Two matchups (as of, like, ten minutes ago), too, so please take an honest look at your time / creative energy. Don't offer to do one if you can't actually do it.

round one, *master list

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