For marionetteblue3: Pink (Kirk/Spock)

Aug 14, 2009 01:53

Title: Pink

Author: the_deep_magic

Written For: marionetteblue3

Pairing: Kirk/Spock

Rating: NC-17 (for the swearin’ and the sexxin’ - but mostly the sexxin’)

Word Count: 6,761

Disclaimer: I own nothing and I’m making no money from this. This fic is not affiliated in any way with the Aerosmith song of the same name, but it did get stuck in my head several times while writing this.

Summary: As per request, this story contains awkward!sex, debauched!Spock, extensive investigation on just what happened last night, and first time.

A/N: Not gonna lie, parts of this are downright ridiculous. I hope you enjoy!

Jim’s first thought upon waking is that everything has gone completely, mysteriously, and catastrophically pink.

*fic, round one, kirk/spock, rating: nc-17, submissions

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