Art for hopesopalshard

Aug 05, 2009 01:23

Here is some art for hopesopalshard

S/he asked for: Prompts: If you want to take it, I'd like a star trek au into Alice and Wonderland. Cast the ST characters into the Alice roles... but be creative, try and keep them in character (as their ST selves, unless you can think of a reason why they're acting funny... and then the chars who aren't affected should have the proper WTF reactions, of course ^.^). With this prompt I'd like the full set of main chars to appear, if you can: Kirk, Spock, Bones, Chekov, Sulu, Uhura, and Scotty. Have fun!!
Rating: G or PG or PG-13

I didn't get the whole crew in there, but I hope you like anyway!

Chekov in WonderTrek

art, round one, rating: g, submissions

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