For Celebros: The Universal Language (Spock/Uhura)

Aug 07, 2009 17:33

Title: The Universal Language
Author: mrstater
Recipient celebros
Pairing/Characters: Spock/Uhura, Gaila
Fandom: 2009 Reboot
Warnings: mild sexuality
Summary: When words fail a Vulcan and a xenolinguist, they rely on a different form of language to express their feelings for each other.
Author's Notes: For Celebros, who, among other things, requested Spock/Uhura at the Academy, with Spock making the first small move. I didn't think I was going to manage to write this before the deadline, but it happened, and I hope this fills your request nicely. Thanks to Jadeddiva and Godricgal for looking this over for me at the eleventh hour!

The Universal Language

rating: pg, round one, spock/uhura, submissions

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