family, malaysia, life, philippines, work, fandoms, travel

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  • Bangkok Trip Day 2

    toffee_and_tea Jun 04, 2013 14:37

    This morning we went to Ancient City which we got to by train to the last station and then a taxi ride the rest of the way. It's essentially this huge park where they had scaled-down versions of cultural landmarks and monuments. Best part about it - bikes!

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    family, literature/writing, thoughts, life, interests, thailand, travel

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  • Another day at work.

    toffee_and_tea Jun 04, 2013 13:01


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    I'm just gonna let them enjoy their pilfered lunch and go later... =3=

    life, slightly scared to be honest, random

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  • Back from Bangkok Trip! Day 1

    toffee_and_tea Jun 03, 2013 19:19

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    family, life, thailand, travel

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  • Sa wat dii kha!

    toffee_and_tea May 24, 2013 17:01

    So I bought an iPhone. Partly because it was basically recommended by everyone, but mostly because there was an iPhone case that I wanted. Yep, I make my decisions based on fickle reasons. The same way I chose the university I went to ("Psh! Merits? Naw, my favourite TV show was filmed nearby!"). The thing is though, I was going to get the 4S ( Read more... )

    life, thailand, fandoms, travel

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  • I don't understand these young'un's gadgets...

    toffee_and_tea Apr 27, 2013 10:20

    Dear phone,

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    family, stupid rambles, life, games

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  • The tribulations of a slow reader...

    toffee_and_tea Apr 21, 2013 23:00

    Ugh, it's frustrating when you want to start reading a book right now! right now! but you have about six books you're already currently reading and you don't want to start a new one before finishing at least one of them. But you really want to read it right now!! ;__; Please, it's calling to meee!!! We are in the future! Why can't we upload stuff ( Read more... )

    family, literature/writing, birthday, life, awkward socially-inept girl

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  • I wanna watch something while peeking through my fingers

    toffee_and_tea Mar 31, 2013 16:20

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    movies, family, life, interests

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  • The A/C is broken at work so I'm all sweaty right now...

    toffee_and_tea Mar 23, 2013 14:39

    It feels like every time I go on a big vacation, I come back with a cough that lasts well over a month. Why is that? This time it's almost been two, and I've finally managed to go to the clinic after forgetting every time. Hopefully the few antibiotics the doc gave me would clear it up soon. ^_^

    After that I had a nice breakfast with Sis#4, and ( Read more... )

    family, literature/writing, health, life, food

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  • Day 3/4/5, Istanbul Trip

    toffee_and_tea Mar 09, 2013 11:31

    I've procrastinated on this long enough so I'm just going to put the rest of my trip all in one entry.

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    family, life, turkey, travel

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