Sa wat dii kha!

May 24, 2013 17:01

So I bought an iPhone. Partly because it was basically recommended by everyone, but mostly because there was an iPhone case that I wanted. Yep, I make my decisions based on fickle reasons. The same way I chose the university I went to ("Psh! Merits? Naw, my favourite TV show was filmed nearby!"). The thing is though, I was going to get the 4S version, so that was the case that I bought, but I went out looking for phones and they only had the iPhone 5. Sooo...

Anyone out there who's a fan of Teen Wolf and has an iPhone 4S and wants a free iPhone case??? ^_^'

(If no one does, I'm sure I could just give it away on tumblr or something.)

Anyway, I'm going to Bangkok tomorrow! And this time it's for holiday and not a work thing! I can finally get to visit places! I'm so excited ^0^

//So happy when I get to travel~

life, thailand, fandoms, travel

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