Title: Smoldering Ruins - 15/15 Genre: Drama / Angst / Fluff Rating: R Word Count: 20068 Pairing: Puck/Kurt Summary: The past is a powerful entity, even as the future becomes brighter, better and stronger. Part Three of The Rebuilding Series, Following The System and Disaster. Previous chapters found here AN: Ah
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Title: Smoldering Ruins - 14/15 Genre: Drama / Angst / Fluff Rating: R Word Count: 18885 Pairing: Puck/Kurt Summary: The past is a powerful entity, even as the future becomes brighter, better and stronger. Part Three of The Rebuilding Series, Following The System and Disaster. Previous chapters found here. ( Aftermath )
Title: Smoldering Ruins - 10/15 Genre: Drama / Angst / Fluff Rating: R Word Count: 14257 Pairing: Puck/Kurt Summary: The past is a powerful entity, even as the future becomes brighter, better and stronger. Part Three of The Rebuilding Series, Following The System and Disaster. Previous chapters found here.
Title: Real Courage - 1/1 Genre: Drama Rating: PG Characters: Dave-centric, Kurt/Blaine implied. Summary: Prom spoilers ahead. When the Prom King and Queen announcement is made, Dave has to be courageous and inspire the bravest person he knows.
Title: Of Wishes and Dresses - Chapter 29 Genre: Angst / Drama / Fluff Rating: PG-13 Pairing: Mike/Tina friendship, Mika/Sam, Tina/Brittany Summary: Mike Mika Chang was a girl; her body just didn't agree with that assessment. ( Romance )
Title: Smoldering Ruins - 9/15 Genre: Drama / Angst / Fluff Rating: R Word Count: 13147 Pairing: Puck/Kurt Summary: The past is a powerful entity, even as the future becomes brighter, better and stronger. Part Three of The Rebuilding Series, Following The System and Disaster. Previous chapters found here. ( I want to end this )
Title: Smoldering Ruins - 8/? Genre: Drama / Angst / Fluff Rating: R Word Count: 11849 Pairing: Puck/Kurt Summary: The past is a powerful entity, even as the future becomes brighter, better and stronger. Part Three of The Rebuilding Series, Following The System and Disaster. Previous chapters found here. ( Time to take action )
Title: Of Wishes and Dresses - Chapter 28 Genre: Angst / Drama Rating: PG-13 Pairing: Mike/Tina friendship, Mika/Sam Summary: Mike Mika Chang was a girl; her body just didn't agree with that assessment.
Title: Of Wishes and Dresses - Chapter 27 Genre: Angst / Drama Rating: PG-13 Pairing: Mike/Tina friendship, Mika/Sam Summary: Mike Mika Chang was a girl; her body just didn't agree with that assessment. AN: I spent a long time mapping out where this was going and have a tentative chapter count. ( Understandings )