Title: Smoldering Ruins - 7/?
Genre: Drama / Angst / Fluff
Rating: R
Word Count: 10640
Pairing: Puck/Kurt
“What’s going on?”
Puck was slowly but not comfortably becoming accustomed to dealing with police officers and the situations they brought along with them, but he was not pleased to see several officers outside of his apartment. One of them turned to him and he recognized him as the officer that had been investigating his case earlier. “A trespasser has been spotted on these premises,” he said clearly, before Puck could even as the question that was weighing on his mind. “I was on my way up to your unit after I oversaw the initial observation.”
He breathed deeply as he realized what that might have meant. He turned around to see Catherine and Beth following him. “Do you think that it’s him?” he asked the man, looking around, his nerves steadily growing.
“It’s very much possible.”
Catherine crossed her arms and looked at the police officer and then at Puck. “This guy is not playing around, Noah,” she said softly, seriously. “He’s stalking you and yours and that puts Beth and Kurt at risk as well. I think that you should get out of this town.”
“We’ll talk about that in a minute,” he said, picking up Beth in his arms, looking around. The little girl looked terrified and he wanted to calm her. She buried her face in his neck, still very uncomfortable with police officers. “Hey it’s okay baby girl. Remember what Papa and I told you about the police being here to help us out?”
She nodded slowly against his shoulder.
“I’ll meet you at your apartment later this afternoon,” the man said gently, looking from Puck to the new face. “We need to take the information back to the station and then you and I can discuss the potential nature of the building’s trespasser.”
Catherine quickly grabbed Puck by the arm and led him back to the apartment. The woman was incredibly strong and focused on the situation. He was thankful for the steady force she created for them.
“He’s stalking me, I know it,” Puck said, lowering his eyes.
“That,” Catherine said seriously, “is why you have to get out of town. You can go stay with family, right? Kurt told me that his father and stepmother have a rather spacious house and I’m certain they would be fine with keeping the three of you.”
“We can’t afford it,” Puck said softly. “Bethie go play ok?”
“Finnnne,” the child whined. “Everything is weird ‘round here now, Daddy.” She did leave though, huffing slowly.
“We can’t afford it,” he told Catherine quickly. “Kurt and I would lose our jobs if we left town and Beth is going back to school next week. We can’t really just take up and leave. I don’t know if we need to take off and leave.”
“I will handle the monetary situation, we can negotiate with your workplaces and Beth can be transferred to another kindergarten. I know that it seems a little bit on the extremist side, Noah, but something about this unnerves me a lot. What can I think?”
“We’ll think about it,” he mumbled, sitting down on the couch. He had to admit that as far-fetched as Catherine’s idea was, it comforted him. He was just so exhausted by all that had happened and he wanted to keep his family safe. It was becoming too much even though nothing had been done yet. He leaned back against the backrest of the couch, looking over at the bedroom.
Catherine went to join Beth and he rubbed at his temples, enjoying the moment of peace, being alone. He was just so tired, tired of all of this and the way that it made him feel. He was tired of feeling helpless and being scared of everything around him. The fear was killing him. He was being overwhelmed by fear.
“Damn it!” he yelled as he got up quickly.
“Catherine, Beth, I’ll be right back,” he called. “I need a second to calm down.”
He began walking along the path outside the apartment. It was very quiet and worked to calm his racing heart. This was just unfolding and becoming deeper, more conflicting and more confusing than ever. If that bastard had been on the property he and his family lived on, that meant that Beth and Kurt were at risk. He would die before he let something happen to either of them. It was the worst feeling in the world to think that his stupid mistakes in juvie could condemn them to a horrible fate.
Catherine’s suggestion was tempting, as far-fetched as it was. There was no way that he wanted to uproot his whole family on a whim and vague threats. Beth was only five but that kind of stuff affected kids deeply. Kids could not just be pulled up and moved around because their father was afraid. The bastard hadn’t even done anything apart from the vague threats that made Puck nauseous and on edge, but if he did, it would be his fault.
Where did all this insecurity come from? Deep down inside, he knew that what happened to him in juvie wasn’t his fault. He was a kid and he was sexually assaulted. He was raped. He wasn’t immediately condemned to rape because he was stupid enough to get thrown into juvie. It wasn’t his fault what happened to him but he couldn’t help the fact that he felt like it was. He couldn’t knock the incredible case of nerves. He closed his eyes and tried to just breathe. He just needed to be able to breathe.
He hit the ground hard.
The man wasn't much bigger than Puck but he knocked him down with a force much bigger than his body. Puck cried out as his head hit the floor painfully. He looked up and into hawklike eyes that had been in his head for almost five years. Pointed teeth were revealed by a curled smile and Puck knew that he was looking right into Trevor’s frightening eyes. "Miss me faggot?" he drawled, leaning up into Puck's face. "Imagine my surprise when I found out being fucked up the ass turns you queer. I saw that little homo you're with. Nice ass. It'd be nice to tear into that one too."
Puck wanted to fight, lash, defend Kurt but his body betrayed him and he froze up. He was absolutely scared into not moving. He tried to move his hand, his leg, anything, but he simply could not. He panicked and took in several cold breaths, barely moving. It felt as though ice was crushing into his lungs. He spoke out loud but it came out as a muffled cry. He could not be raped again. He couldn't. "What do you want from me?" he asked, determined not to cry. He found his voice and he was not going to cry.
"Little revenge," he drawled. "I mean you put me away..."
"You do anything to me and you go back!" Puck kicked him hard, finding his strength. "You get outta my life and you go home free."
The man stumbled but retained a grip on Puck. "I nothin'. No family, no posse, just revenge. You'll die pretty. Will you cry like you did when I fucked you?" Puck could see the man had come unhinged, his eyes wild and unforgiving. "I'm gonna..."
"Hey you!"
Puck turned his head to the side and Trevor took off running.
His neighbor, an elderly man, came running up to Puck, kneeling down at his side despite the fact that he walked with a cane. Puck found that amusing, he wasn’t sure why. He sat up, rubbing his head and found that he couldn’t stop shaking. “Are you alright son?” the man asked gently, putting one of his hands on Puck’s shoulder.
Puck shook his head. “Get the cops,” he said. “They’re on our property right now and everything. I…I’m…I need…he’s the trespasser the cops were here for. Please.” He slowly collected himself, urging the man to get up and head back to the complex. Puck did too, slowly. He walked back to his apartment to find the man talking animatedly to the cops. “Please go get him…” Puck said, feeling like he was going to fall down. “Please.”
Kurt, who had apparently just got home from work, came running downstairs at the commotion. “Noah?” he asked. “What happened? I just got home and…”
“He…almost killed me Kurt…” he whispered, unable to stop the intensity of the shaking. “He would have if-if someone hadn’t come by. I was…”
The police came running in Puck’s direction and he felt like he was going to faint. He hung on Kurt, praying to stay upright.