A 5-Star Restaurant | Waitressing | {Mild Aphro}

Aug 25, 2011 01:09

It seemed that once more, Amelia's better judgement had taken a backseat to her urge to assist people. Just her luck really, that she happened to witness someone being harassed as she passed the restaurant, apparently unable to pay their bill and looking rather terrified of what the staff might do to even things out. Unable to keep herself out of ( Read more... )

pairing: f/f, pairing: f/m, series: slayers

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Comments 194

clawsandguns August 25 2011, 00:33:16 UTC
It had taken Alph a while to gather his nerve to enter the resturant again, but after a few hours he could finally walk in the door without feeling like he was going to get his face chewed off - apparently the staff were happy his debt had been paid one way or the other. Scanning the room, he spotted one particular waitress and waited for her to finish her current job being tapping her on the shoulder.

"Hi," he offered. "Um... Thanks for bailing me out, earlier."


healsforjustice August 25 2011, 00:42:06 UTC
It was lucky Amelia had just sat down the empty glasses she had been holding, as the sudden tap to her shoulder startled her somewhat. Even so, the last thing she expected was to see the familiar face of the person who's tab she had settled.

"Oh, it's no big deal really, I was happy to help." she smiled back. Naturally she wasn't bitter, and didn't want him to feel bad about the situation, so held off on any details in that regard. She was just glad to see that he wasn't getting any looks from the other staff after what happened.


clawsandguns August 25 2011, 00:44:33 UTC
"I still apreciate it." Alph knew she was being genuine - he himself would have done something similar. It was just that glimpse of her nature that had him coming back to talk to her again. "And I really owe you one either way. I'm Alph, it's nice to meet you."


healsforjustice August 25 2011, 00:52:54 UTC
"Amelia, a pleasure to meet you too." she replied. She had to admit, it was nice to at least know his name after the initial commotion; she had been so preoccupied trying to reason with the restaurant manager at the time, it had completely slipped her mind.

A call from the kitchens telling her of an order distracted the girl, causing her to turn back to Alph with a sheepish look on her face. "Ah, I still have work to do...but I'm nearly finished, so if you want to wait, we can talk some more if you like." she said, not entirely sure where the notion came from, but not regretting the words either.


bisexualmagi August 25 2011, 21:01:37 UTC
Amelia wasn't the only one who had to work off debts; Sayaka Miki also had her own shares to repay and to do so she was working the same shift, but they hadn't exactly crossed paths at first.

Today however was different, as the blue-haired girl noticed a certain waitress coming into the backroom to finish up her shift. Sayaka was just finishing with her own.

"Hey...! You've gotta pay off some debts too, right?"


healsforjustice August 25 2011, 23:44:30 UTC
Amelia had only just punched her clock card to show she was done for the day when she heard the voice from behind her. Turning her head, she blinked at the other girl before offering a small smile. She recognised Sayaka, having passed her a few times while working, but they hadn't formally spoken to each other.

"Well, yes and no. I paid off someone else's, this job is just to earn back some of my money." she explained.


bisexualmagi August 26 2011, 00:14:11 UTC
Sayaka nodded herself, smiling lightly while listening intently.

"How much did you plan on earning back? I'm Sayaka Miki; nice to meet you!"


healsforjustice August 26 2011, 00:24:21 UTC
"As much as I can, though as long as get back enough to get by, I should be fine." she replied, fully turning around to formally greet her co-worker. "Nice to meet you too Miss Sakaya. I'm Amelia Wil Tesla Seyruun."


pink_is_back August 26 2011, 00:31:03 UTC
The sad thing about the whole was Black Lady could have easily paid for the meal. She was good at getting her way, sweet talking people to give her things or when necessary, hypnotizing them. Ah, she hadn't done that in a while. The scene was set, tears trickling down her cheeks. The scared, helpless damsel in distress, she'd played the part well. And then someone interrupted the act, stepped in and offered to work off the debt. It wasn't what she expected, but she wasn't going to turn it down. She'd figured the girl would work the rest of the night and go home, no sense worrying over it ( ... )


healsforjustice August 26 2011, 00:43:39 UTC
For the moment, Amelia was unaware, too busy clearing away dishes resetting the table with fresh napkins and cultery, before quickly disappearing to drop off the dirty plates in the kitchen. Naturally, it wasn't too long until she was called out to see to another table. Her surprise as the familiar face came into view was evident, but she still smiled regardless.

"Well, fancy meeting you again." she greeted the woman, thinking nothing of Black Lady showing up so unexpectantly. Amelia simply took out her pad and pen from her apron pocket, her usual friendly demeanour in place. "And how can I help you today? Do you want to order?"


pink_is_back August 26 2011, 00:50:54 UTC
Black Lady stowed away her normal smirk and confident expression, replaced by something much more passive complete with a lack of immediate eye contact. Pretending to be shy was hard work, so it probably wouldn't last very long. All she needed was a good cover story and then she could move onto other things. The ideas came pouring in, but no, that wouldn't work, and not that one either. Maybe that one. Yes, that one would do.

Raising her head slowly she offered a smile and blinked quite intentionally a few times. "Oh, it's good to see you again! Did they make you keep working here? If I'd known... this won't do at all," she said, faux fretting over the fact she'd made the poor girl work off her debt. Suckers were born every second, but she felt something odd from this one. "I insist you join me. Can you do that..." Jeez, what was her name? Convenient, a name tag! "Amelia?"


healsforjustice August 26 2011, 01:00:09 UTC
Deception was not Amelia's forte by any stretch, so the kind and polite expression on her features was totally geniune. The same could be said for the slightly baffled look at what was said, before she quickly raised a hand to dismiss the misconceptions.

"Ah, no, nothing like that. I've stayed on to help out, and build up my funds again." she explained, hoping she wasn't causing the other female concern. The invitation caused even more confusion, though she supposed if Black Lady felt bad about what happened, it was to be expected. She wasn't looking for repayment, but actually getting to know the woman before her wasn't a bad idea. "And well, I do have work to finish. Why don't you order something to drink, I'll finish up and join you shortly, how does that sound?" she offered.


blondblitzer August 28 2011, 05:52:45 UTC
Tidus hadn’t expected to stumble across this place as he wandered through the town. Yeah, he knew that there would be restaurants, but not one where the aroma of food caught his attention like this one did. It didn’t help that he was already pretty hungry after building up such a big appetite walking around like he did. He stood outside of the place for a few moments, wondering if he should just pass it over or go inside. After a moment or two, he came to a decision ( ... )


healsforjustice August 28 2011, 19:22:12 UTC
While Tidus was finding a seat, Amelia had been in kitchen out of sight. The lunch rush had died down, so she had been bringing dishes through and sorting out the money that had been given to her for the last few tabs, the manager giving the total of tips, which she slipped into her apron pocket. It hadn't been a bad day, and she had made up a fair amount of money back, so it was all good.

That was disrupted slightly when she was told to go out and serve a new customer before she finished up. The princess was due to clock out, but the head waiter asked her to go in order to stop the other waitresses from bickering over who would get to attend to the gentleman sitting at one of the back tables. Naturally, she complied, leaving the kitchen and making her way towards the customer.

"Welcome sir, how may I-...Tidus?" she stopped suddenly on recognising the familiar face.

[ooc: Hey to you too~ o/]


blondblitzer August 28 2011, 19:54:26 UTC
He had no idea about the commotion going on in the back. If he knew, he might have felt a bit bad about stirring up the bickering between the wait staff. But the compromise that the head waiter came up with was going to more than make Tidus happy.

He continued to wait patiently for someone to come and serve him. It wasn’t until he heard the footsteps drawing closer and the voice that he turned his attention up to her. When he saw the face, he paused for a moment before smiling warmly. It wasn’t at all who he expected to see in this place, but he definitely wasn’t going to complain about the familiar face.

“Amelia? You work here?” He asked curiously. The outfit that she was wearing at that she was wearing at the moment suited her pretty well.


healsforjustice August 28 2011, 20:03:40 UTC
"Yes, I do, it's a long story." she laughed a little, not wanting to go into the details of the whole mishap that got her into this. Granted, he probably wouldn't be surprised, since he was present the last time a good deed had landed her in such a predicament. At least this job, and the attire to go with it, was less embarrassing.

"How have you been by the way Tidus?" she enquired, smiling at him. His arrival might have been surprising, but it was far from unwelcome.


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