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Reply Part 1 kirin_saga August 29 2008, 04:41:49 UTC
1. Brawn only pretends to scorn Perceptor’s scientific work, because:

A. Poor Brawn! *hugs Brawn*

B. Does Perceptor know though? He might suspect if he notices how Brawn isn't confused at his explanations. Or if he knows what's what.

Perceptor: "Brawn, could you please hand me [insert name of scientific device here]."
Brawn: *hands it to him without thinking*
Perceptor: "Thank you." *suddenly realizes something and gives Brawn a look*
Brawn: *ignores* *curses self for slip*

C. Awww! That's so sweet of him!

D. Brawn has a crush! That's so cute! And that's so sweet of him! I wonder if Perceptor will ever realize.

E. *loves* Someone needs to see them arguing playfully!

F. So... they hate each other?

G. That... is so mean! Brawn, how could you? And what if Perceptor learned this, but didn't know what to do about it?

2. That'd be interesting! Or... Red Alert is Sideswipe's twin and... Grapple is Sunstreaker's?

4. Sunstreaker and Tracks are in constant pain? Or... they hurt themselves deliberately to appear more beautiful? Like ( ... )


Reply to Part 1 - Part 1 alabaster_demon August 29 2008, 05:12:45 UTC
B. Does Perceptor know though?

Maybe he knows, but he doesn't want to expose Brawn because he thinks Brawn's just being modest. Or maybe Perceptor thinks that Brawn is secretly a super-awesome-amazing-genius scientist, and he's being really careful not to drive him away...

D. I wonder if Perceptor will ever realize.

If he gets captured, or overhears Decepticons continuously referring to him as stupid (despite the fact that he cleared up that little cosmic rust problem), he might get a little confused and suspicious. He probably wouldn't suspect Brawn though.

And what if Perceptor learned this, but didn't know what to do about it?

Legally, I don't know what he could do... Maybe Swindle would have some suggestions?

Grapple is Sunstreaker's?

Hmmm... they both have different concepts of 'beauty', and they're both dedicated to those concepts in their own separate ways. Could work!

Soundwave: *glares at Rumble* "Removal of bell: Required."
Rumble: *pouts*
Ravage: *frantically chasing his tail**cackles* What if he welded it on? Not ( ... )


Re: Reply to Part 1 - Part 1 kirin_saga August 31 2008, 04:12:15 UTC
Maybe he knows, but he doesn't want to expose Brawn because he thinks Brawn's just being modest. Or maybe Perceptor thinks that Brawn is secretly a super-awesome-amazing-genius scientist, and he's being really careful not to drive him away...

So Perceptor is either being really sweet, or really sneaky. Or maybe... both!

If he gets captured, or overhears Decepticons continuously referring to him as stupid (despite the fact that he cleared up that little cosmic rust problem), he might get a little confused and suspicious. He probably wouldn't suspect Brawn though.

He's probably think it was something he himself did. He's not one to place blame on others, even if that's where it should be.

Legally, I don't know what he could do... Maybe Swindle would have some suggestions?

Swindle/Perceptor! *LOVES* Swindle would be so helpful... for a price.

Hmmm... they both have different concepts of 'beauty', and they're both dedicated to those concepts in their own separate ways. Could work!Wow. My suggestion was better than I thought! I just ( ... )


Re: Reply to Part 1 - Part 1 alabaster_demon September 1 2008, 22:58:47 UTC
So Perceptor is either being really sweet, or really sneaky. Or maybe... both!

Multiple-Personalities Perceptor?

He's probably think it was something he himself did. He's not one to place blame on others, even if that's where it should be.

So if he's not one to blame people, then how is he an Autobot? Because Autobots blame Decepticons for everything. *ponders*

I just wanted him related to a construction worker.

*pictures Sunstreaker in a big yellow hard hat* At least it matches his paintjob.

Ravage: *remembers what happened the last time Perceptor got a hold of him* *cowers*

*wants art of Puppy!Perceptor chasing Kitten!Ravage*

Ratchet: "Well, he was stupid enough to try to spy on us while wearing a bell... I say we let Perceptor keep him for a few days."

Someone once suggested Judge Optimus... What about Judge Ratchet? Because that's pretty fitting justice there, Ratch'.

Megatron: *smirks* "Once he sees the lab I'm giving him, he wouldn't even dream of refusing."

Smart mech.

Starscream: *looking through datapads* "Mating ( ... )


Re: Reply to Part 1 - Part 1 kirin_saga September 2 2008, 09:56:37 UTC
Multiple-Personalities Perceptor?

*LOVES* And Brawn is the only one that knows about both/all of Perceptor's personalities!

So if he's not one to blame people, then how is he an Autobot? Because Autobots blame Decepticons for everything. *ponders*

Maybe he's actually a Decepticon, pretending to be an Autobot. So as an Autobot he blames himself for being a Decepticon? I think I just confused myself...

*pictures Sunstreaker in a big yellow hard hat* At least it matches his paintjob.

I want someone to draw this now. Quickly, before Sunstreaker realizes what he's wearing.

*wants art of Puppy!Perceptor chasing Kitten!Ravage*


Someone once suggested Judge Optimus... What about Judge Ratchet? Because that's pretty fitting justice there, Ratch'.

Ratchet: *shocked* "I wasn't being serious."
Optimus: *watches as Perceptor happily plays with a crying Ravage* "It's your turn to be Judge; of course you were taken seriously." *continues watching* "At least it's keeping him occupied ( ... )


Re: Reply to Part 1 - Part 1 alabaster_demon September 2 2008, 21:57:31 UTC
*LOVES* And Brawn is the only one that knows about both/all of Perceptor's personalities!

What if Brawn IS one of Perceptor's personalities? He's the tough, no-nonsense warrior personality that Perceptor is always denying he possesses. In fact, Perceptor is so in denial that the 'Brawn' personality is part of him, that in his head he's made 'Brawn' into a different mech and treats him like the make-believe enemies children make up: a natural foil for himself, entirely different, yet impossible not to like because in a way that make-believe enemy is also the child who creates it. And I don't know if any of that made sense.

Maybe he's actually a Decepticon, pretending to be an Autobot. So as an Autobot he blames himself for being a Decepticon? I think I just confused myself...

*is also somewhat confused* I sort of got it... but my knotted-up brain wishes I didn't.

I want someone to draw this now. Quickly, before Sunstreaker realizes what he's wearing.*snicker* Sideswipe tricked him into wearing it by telling him that it's a crown ( ... )


Re: Reply to Part 1 - Part 1 kirin_saga September 3 2008, 23:58:41 UTC
What if Brawn IS one of Perceptor's personalities? He's the tough, no-nonsense warrior personality that Perceptor is always denying he possesses. In fact, Perceptor is so in denial that the 'Brawn' personality is part of him, that in his head he's made 'Brawn' into a different mech and treats him like the make-believe enemies children make up: a natural foil for himself, entirely different, yet impossible not to like because in a way that make-believe enemy is also the child who creates it. And I don't know if any of that made sense.


*is also somewhat confused* I sort of got it... but my knotted-up brain wishes I didn't.

Can you imagine Prowl trying to figure that out?

*snicker* Sideswipe tricked him into wearing it by telling him that it's a crown!

So he's posing on a throne wearing that hat? Sideswipe is so dead!

Neither do I.Steeljaw: *growls* "When Blaster was a sparkling he used to tie me up in bows. ( ... )


Re: Reply to Part 1 - Part 1 alabaster_demon September 4 2008, 01:12:38 UTC

*happy and slightly freaked out at excessive enthusiasm* Me too!

So he's posing on a throne wearing that hat? Sideswipe is so dead!

Ooh, a throne... Megatron's throne!

Steeljaw: *growls* "When Blaster was a sparkling he used to tie me up in bows. What did you think he meant?"

Poor kitty. I just didn't want to say it... Poor, poor kitty.

... I'll kill whoever did that to me!

Hmmm... sounds too openly emotional. Nope, not Soundwave. (But if you were than Perceptor/Soundwave would be practically canon.)

(wait... Blurr, is that you?)

BLURR! XD Skywarp + Perceptor = Craziness and disregard for others' audial receptors + a 'way with words' = Blurr! YES!


Reply to Part 1 - Part 2 alabaster_demon August 29 2008, 05:13:03 UTC

Shockwave: "Listen to me, Perceptor-"
Perceptor: "Do you think I cannot see your intentions, Shockwave? You forget how I was created."

Shockwave: "No one knows about... that... and no one would believe you if you tried to tell them. Legally, *I* am your creator and if you don't want to be disowned and tossed out on the streets of Kaon, you'll do as I say."

*looks up* *confused* So he... lies?

*also looks up*
a person, esp. an orator or political leader, who gains power and popularity by arousing the emotions, passions, and prejudices of the people. ~dictionary.com
I don't know why I felt the need to use that word in particular. I was thinking of Optimus as a sort of Hitler-like figure: knowing how to rouse the people and play off their fears, etc., but really doing horrible, horrible stuff.

12. Which is why Optimus has forbidden any Autobot from listening.

But he can't forbid Blaster from listening! Especially if Soundwave is broadcasting Megatron's speech on all channels!

Thundercracker?Hmmm! Reminds me of that Thunderous ( ... )


Re: Reply to Part 1 - Part 2 kirin_saga August 31 2008, 04:31:34 UTC
Shockwave: "No one knows about... that... and no one would believe you if you tried to tell them. Legally, *I* am your creator and if you don't want to be disowned and tossed out on the streets of Kaon, you'll do as I say."

Perceptor: "And then you'll be alone. All alone for four million years."
Shockwave: "What are you talking about? What is a 'year'?"
Perceptor: *glares*
Shockwave: "And I won't be alone. Megatron is here."
Perceptor: "He's going after the Ark."
Shockwave: "He will be back within the Vorn."
Perceptor: "Then it will be the longest Vorn in history because the Nemesis is not coming back."
Shockwave: *stares*

I was thinking of Optimus as a sort of Hitler-like figure: knowing how to rouse the people and play off their fears, etc., but really doing horrible, horrible stuff.

Considering the way he treats the Dinobots, I can sadly see this happening.

But he can't forbid Blaster from listening! Especially if Soundwave is broadcasting Megatron's speech on all channels!And maybe Soundwave is making sure to send it directly ( ... )


Re: Reply to Part 1 - Part 2 alabaster_demon September 1 2008, 23:05:48 UTC
Perceptor: "And then you'll be alone. All alone for four million years."
Shockwave: "What are you talking about? What is a 'year'?"
Perceptor: *glares*
Shockwave: "And I won't be alone. Megatron is here."
Perceptor: "He's going after the Ark."
Shockwave: "He will be back within the Vorn."
Perceptor: "Then it will be the longest Vorn in history because the Nemesis is not coming back."
Shockwave: *stares*

So, was Perceptor sent to pose as an Autobot but really to deliver a secret message to the Decepticons?

Considering the way he treats the Dinobots, I can sadly see this happening.

*cries* Go to Uncle Megatron, Dinos! He'll treat you better!

And maybe Soundwave is making sure to send it directly to Blaster. Blaster will listen in awe, record it, and play it secretly to anyone who will listen.

And every Autobot who hears it wants to meet Megatron, but Blaster's fondest wish is to meet the unknown communications mech who sent him the speech and thank him for saving his sanity.

Or will Sparkplug manage to make him understand?*wants ( ... )


Re: Reply to Part 1 - Part 2 kirin_saga September 2 2008, 10:04:06 UTC
So, was Perceptor sent to pose as an Autobot but really to deliver a secret message to the Decepticons?

*confused* Huh? I guess so...

*cries* Go to Uncle Megatron, Dinos! He'll treat you better!

... Someone needs to draw Megatron as Uncle Sam in one of those posters.

And every Autobot who hears it wants to meet Megatron, but Blaster's fondest wish is to meet the unknown communications mech who sent him the speech and thank him for saving his sanity.

Awww... That is so cute!

Sadly, it's unlikely that he'll ever get to meet Soundwave as Optimus found out what Blaster's done and has locked him up in an ivory tower the brig. Blaster is then slowly forgotten and all he has to hold onto is the memory of the myserty mech that sent him that message so very long ago...

*wants to see this conversation* And if Red Alert has been exposed to horror movies (or book-Voldemort from the Harry Potter books, who has red eyes), then it'll be even harder to explain.Poor Sparkplug is going to get a headache, Red Alert is going to be so confused, and ( ... )


Re: Reply to Part 1 - Part 2 alabaster_demon September 2 2008, 21:34:13 UTC
*confused* Huh? I guess so...

I was trying to figure out how Perceptor (Shockwave's "creation" on Cybertron) became Perceptor, the mild-mannered Autobot scientist on Earth.

... Someone needs to draw Megatron as Uncle Sam in one of those posters.

Him and Optimus! Actually, both of them posing on the same poster. And it doesn't HAVE to be the classic "Uncle Sam" pose, if you know what I mean.

*Uncle Optimus and Uncle Megatron want YOU to join the fight against Unicron and Fan-writer Cruelty!*
Perceptor: *joins immediately*

Optimus found out what Blaster's done and has locked him up in an ivory tower

Soundwave: Blaster-punzel, Blaster-punzel, let down your hair.
Blaster: Blaster-punzel? That speech thingy of yours is getting weirder all the time. And I don't have hair...
Soundwave: Suggestion for liberation - cassette-chain-ladder.
Cassettes: *whimper*
Blaster: *whirls around* Are you implying that I'm FAT?!
Cassettes and Soundwave: *flinch*

Maybe they went back to their own little secret love nest base.Hmmm, Blaster and Soundwave ( ... )


Re: Reply to Part 1 - Part 2 kirin_saga September 4 2008, 00:05:59 UTC
I was trying to figure out how Perceptor (Shockwave's "creation" on Cybertron) became Perceptor, the mild-mannered Autobot scientist on Earth.

Maybe he did go to spy on the Autobots, but not on Shockwave's orders. And not for the Decepticon cause. Maybe Primus wanted him to keep an optic on someone?

Him and Optimus! Actually, both of them posing on the same poster. And it doesn't HAVE to be the classic "Uncle Sam" pose, if you know what I mean.

... Porn?

*Uncle Optimus and Uncle Megatron want YOU to join the fight against Unicron and Fan-writer Cruelty!*
Perceptor: *joins immediately*

Perceptor, that's so sweet of you! Wanting to protect the fan-writers from cruelty!
Perceptor: *thinks* 'I'm just following Punch's advice and destroying you from within.' *insane giggling*

Blaster: *whirls around* Are you implying that I'm FAT?!
Cassettes and Soundwave: *flinch*Rewind: "Blaster, we said we're sorry. You're not fat ( ... )


Re: Reply to Part 1 - Part 2 alabaster_demon September 4 2008, 01:19:44 UTC
Maybe Primus wanted him to keep an optic on someone?

Maybe Primus wants him to retrieve the Matrix?

... Porn?

Um- well it COULD be like, a cheesy-grinning peace-sign-at-camera pose. It COULD. Really.

Perceptor: *thinks* 'I'm just following Punch's advice and destroying you from within.' *insane giggling*

*thinks* Could Perceptor use his lens barrel or something to focus a laser blast so it bypassed the outer armor and just hit internal systems (or the spark chamber)? So, his enemy would be laughing about how the dumb microscope is pointing his lens barrel at him instead of a blaster, and then he just falls over offline without a mark on him.

Rewind: "Blaster, we said we're sorry. You're not fat."
Blaster: *ignores*
Rumble: "You're actually pretty thin for a tapedeck."
Blaster: *ignores*
Soundwave: *holds out cube of energon* "Refueling: Required."
Blaster: *ignores*

NOOOOOO!!! Anorexic Blaster!!! *cries* No, no, no! Soundwave, stop him! Talk to him, make him feel better about himself! *cries*

It's almost as if they breed like ( ... )


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