
Mar 23, 2011 00:15

I'm thinking a lot about stepparenting this week.

Excuse me, but can you be me for a while? )

p, b, brain dump, sephie, stress, h, thoughts on parenting

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alwaysamommy March 23 2011, 13:31:33 UTC
First of all, we both know that you're not going anywhere, but certain other people need to be reminded that you're not to be taken for granted. They need to be reminded that you take care of H and the office because you WANT to, not because you HAVE to, and if people don't start pitching in and giving you a break, or simply just standing behind you, you're going to figure out a way to leave them hanging just as they've done to you. I'm not saying to go anywhere. Just make them think ( ... )


tabloidscully March 23 2011, 20:50:30 UTC
Thank you. You're absolutely right in that I'm not going anywhere, but I do think that's kind of being taken for granted. That's partially my fault--I believe we teach people how to treat us, and from the very beginning of the business of P's pregnancy, I've put up with their crazy nonsense and kept a lid on my own feelings because I didn't want to jeopardize being back together with B ( ... )


alwaysamommy March 24 2011, 01:32:50 UTC
I do understand the bending over backwards thing. I didn't have a P to compete with. It was his lack of commitment and baggage that I had to compete against, but it ended up being the same way. Then when I started standing up for myself, he definitely had an adjustment period. Now we're on equal footing but it didn't happen easily ( ... )


tabloidscully March 27 2011, 05:28:19 UTC
Believe it or not, I'm constantly looking to you and your entries as kind of a grounding point. From the short time I've known you, I've seen (as much as you can see through someone's LJ, I suppose) you really weather some storms with him that strike pretty close to home. This time two years ago, I remember feeling distinctly that the hurdles with his family would never be overcome. They have, but it took me having B's child and marrying him to do it. I'm not sure I will ever be accepted on my own merits. But seeing you go through what you have gives me hope that even if it doesn't happen, I find the strength to make peace with it ( ... )


alwaysamommy March 27 2011, 13:18:53 UTC
Aww! That means a lot to me ( ... )


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alwaysamommy March 27 2011, 22:59:21 UTC
haha aww!

I remember when my cousin was little, and his mom made him mad. he told her "I'm going to run away and never come back for 6 whole years!"

Not only did he get over it and not run away but he's 23 now and she can't get rid of him. LOL


cmariewt March 26 2011, 20:26:28 UTC
This. This exactly!


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